Zion Kuwonu

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Remember Me

Zion and y/n had together for around 8 years, today marked their 8 year anniversary. Zion was supposed to be at home waiting for his beloved wife, with gifts and open arms. He was running low on rose petals so he decided to rush to the local CVS. It was supposed to be a stormy night but he figured he could rush to beat the storm and be back before y/n got home from work. Zion quickly got into his black RAM truck and rushed to the convenient store, meanwhile y/n had just left the courthouse after finishing and of course winning another case. She was exhausted but excited to see what Zion had planned. Zion was always one to preform a extravagant scenery for a major mark in their relationship.  So y/n was looking forward to whatever he had planned.


Zion sped through the streets of LA, it started to pour heavy droplets of rain, he continued speeding through the sleek streets, Until bright white headlights flashed into his face. He crashed head first into the diesel, his car flipped down the slope of the road into a ditch. Smoke arose from the hood of the truck, the glass shattered and everything seemed to go into slow motion. His head banged against the steering wheel causing him to black out. Blood dripped from his head and onto the air bag.


y/n watched as a truck crashed and rolled down the hill, instantly she pulled over and ran to see if the guy in the truck still on the road was okay, she was afraid she'd slide down the hill if she tried to check on the crushed car at the bottom. She pulled out her phone instanly dialing 911. Once she placed the emergency call she tried calling Zion, no answer. She called once again but still no answer. That wasn't like him, no replys to her text or calls, 'Maybe hes in the shower' she thought to himself. The police cars finally arrived, they helped the injured man out from the truck then made there way down to the dark ditch with flaslights. Instantly they rushed down with a stretcher and secured down the unidentified man, they hooked him up with oxygen and rushed him up the hill. Y/n's heart dropped to her stomach when she saw the familiar dreads, "Z? ZION! NO ZION NO!" she screamed a piercing scream while pushing past the yellow caution tape. "Maam were gonna need you to step away please" one of the officers said. "That's my Husband!" She screamed through the rivers of tears streaming down her cheeks. She pushed past them and ran into the ambulance, she fell to her knees shaking by the side of the stretcher. The ambulance rushed to the ER but her mind went blank and a ringing in her ears formed. All she could do was hold his hand while she cried.
They got into the hospital and she ran along side the nurses who pushed the stretcher to a room, he started to groan and move "Z! Z i'm right here i'm gonna be right here!" she said with a voice crack. He looked over at her and a small smile formed before he passed back out, the nurse slid her fingers to his neck to find a pulse but there was no pulse to be found, "Flatline!" she screamed and instantly started hooking him up to machines, "Come with me." One of the nurses said as she walked y/n away from the graphic scene.
Minutes felt like hours, Hours felt like days. Time couldn't have gone by any slower, she paced around the Lobby in a state of panic. Finally the nurse came out from the white hall way, "Y/f/n Kuwonu, Y/f/n Kuwonu," the nurse said. Y/n instantly ran over to the nurse her eyes wet with mascara filled tears. The Nurse has a sour look on her face, "Mrs.Kuwonu...i'm sorry, Zion is bleeding internally. We need to rush him into surgery and there's a 50/50 chance we'll loose him," she took a small breath, "He has you down as his Medical Power of Attorney, so we need your permission to begin the surgery." Y/n's mind went blank again, she gulped and ran her fingers through her hair, "Can i talk to him first?" she asked, the nurse thought to her self for a second then nodded.
The Nurse led her to the room where they were stabilizing him, Y/N rushed over to his bed side and grabbed his hand, he was unconscious but she just wanted to get a few things out before she really lost him. "Z, i um..i know you can't hear me. But um i love you a lot, and i just know that you're gonna be okay baby, i know you will." she said beginning to cry. "But if for some reason god wants you to come home, just know i won't be mad." she said with a soft smile through her tears, "Fight to stay, but if it gets too hard i understand Z, i love you." she cried and kissed the back of his hand, Z squeezed her hand softly so she'd know he heard. She smiled brighter and chocked back her tears. She got up and then let the nurses start the operation.
The nurses started the operation, he laid there on the cold table asleep as they worked on putting him back together. They did everything they could, but their everything wasn't enough. "Time of death 23:12" the main surgeon said as he set his tools down. The nurses frowned and wrote it down on the death certificate.
The same nurse from before went back out to the lobby to tell Y/N the awful news, Y/N screamed and cried holding onto the nurse for dear life. "NO Z!" she screamed through her crys. The nurse stood there not knowing what to do, she brought her into a comforting hug and rub her back softly, "I'm sorry Miss." she said softly as Y/N cried.
Y/N was brought back home by her parents, her mom and dad figured it wouldn't be healthy to stay in the house by herself after everything that had happened. She was sent into to get a few items of clothing. As Y/N walked into the dark empty house she saw the roses and items Zion had set up around the house. The tears formed back into her eyes as she walked through the house following the roses. Boxes of chocolates and small gift bags around the house till she finally reached the bedroom. The bed had red rose petals in the shape of a heart with a letter in the middle, she wiped the tears that kept flooding her face then picked up the envelope. She sat down on the bed and carefully opened the letter. It read;

Dear Y/N,
Words cannot describe how lucky i am to have you. Your mind is so powerful, and your smile is so contagious. You're the most beautiful girl i've met and i'm so happy i married you. The way you giggle when you get embarrassed, or when you get mad and then i laugh which makes you even more mad, but eventually you laugh too. Those are some of my favorite things about you. Especially when you come home exhausted and we order pizza and just chill, but babygirl you're not perfect. You bottle emotions inside your heart and don't let anyone in, not even me sometimes. You cry but won't tell anyone why. Instead you make up lies and tell everyone you're fine. And princess i know you're not perfect but neither am i. That's why WERE so perfect for EACHOTHER. No matter how many times we fight or argue, i know that by the time tomorrow's sunrise, everything will be more than fine. Cause beautiful you have a forgiving heart, you let people back in after they hurt you, you let people use you and when they give you the lame excuse of "I'm sorry" you accept it. And Girl i'm not going anywhere anytime soon but promise me when i do that you'll be strong, not just for me but for you. Not just for me but the beautiful baby growing inside of you, cause i know that you even keep secrets from me too, i don't know when you were going to tell me but baby i already knew. I knew when i took out the trash like every morning before work. I'm so ready to start a family with you, and no matter what i'm not going anywhere <3 not even if god wants me too. I'll be right here, right beside you.
Love ~ Z<3

Ps. I tried my best to rhyme
but yo know i failed English2 xD
anyways i love you and hope
you love the gifts <3

A/N: Who should i make one about next?

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