Can the rainbow be found when all they see are black and white?
Will they find who is it?
Jeno and Jaemin are together to live and help their friends. All eight of them having the same thoughts. Living the same fantasy. Jaemin has his own problems...
9.00 a.m. I got a boyfriend yesterday. And now I have someone that can take care of me and vice versa. All of us are together, well except for Haechan and Renjun of course. I heard they have crushes on foreigners.
"Well, YangYAnG Is CutE Tho," Renjun spat on me. "BuT MaRk Is CuTeR aNd yoU knOw It," Haechan on the other hand. "Guys, be quiet. Look who's walking in." I said to them.
And there he was, walking like a model of some sort. "Hi, cutie. Can I get the same hot chocolate from yesterday? And I want you to make it because it is tastier if you do."
"S-sure. It will be ready in five minutes. Do you perhaps want to buy some desserts? We made them last night," "oh, really? Well, then I'll get that cinnamon roll and uh, churros please."
"Alright, that will be 10 dollars, please take your seat first," "sure, baby boy," Yangyang ended before leaning in the counter to give Renjun a peck on the lips
All of us were shocked. "SATAN, COME HERE AND PREPARE THE ORDER. I TAKE CARE OF THE COUNTER," Haechan shouted from behind.
I was proud of Renjun. I know they have never known each other, but still, Renjun is usually shy.
"Guys, I'll take three days off starting tomorrow. My parents will take me back home for a while, so Renjun, the cafe will be on you." Jeno said.
"Okay, just be careful there, alright? I love you," "I love you too Nana," he said before walking out, leaving me alone.
"Come on, Jeno, you will meet the woman of your life! And I'm sure you are excited too," Mrs Lee exclaimed. In fact, Jeno was not excited at all and he was mad.
His parents were homophobic and had never supported him. God, how much he wanted it to stop.
The car ride was fine but suddenly,
"Sir, are you awake? Come on! Help take them out from here!"
Faint lights were seen. But wait, who are they and where am I? Is this a hospital room?
"Good, so, Lee Jeno. Do you perhaps remember anything?" "I only remember that I was on a car ride with my parents and then, I blacked out."
"Consider yourself lucky that you made it out alive. Your parents, they didn't make it. I'm sorry. And you have visitors,"
"Visitors-" "Jeno, honey. Oh god, I was so scared."
"Who are you?"
"So, you said you are his boyfriend right? I'm worried that you will have to take care of him with your friends. He suffers from short term amnesia and his brain was damaged from the accident. It's now your job to relieve his memory, I guess,"
"Alright, Doctor Kim. Will do," I said before walking towards the others. "He has amnesia and he doesn't remember me," I said.
Tears were threatening to fall down. "Come here, Jaemin hyung. Look me in the eyes and tell me what you see. I know it may not seem like it but we are also worried right now. Come on, let's get in and try to see if he remembers any of us," Chenle tried to calm me down.
But I was hopeless. I broke into tears walking into the room. "Who are you?" God, if only he didn't get into this accident. Renjun gave me the eye.
"I'm Nana. Those are Renjun, Lele, Haechan and Jisung. Can't you remember us?"
"Who? Wait, Renjun and Haechan. Is that you?" Nana, he doesn't remember you. No. No. "I gotta go to the toilet for a while," I said. Mind blurry from what he had said. Chenle followed me to the toilet.
"Chenle, what if he doesn't recognise me anymore?" I blurted out. If there was no one in here I might have hurt myself. But why? Why must he be in this accident?
Chenle hugged me tight and pulled me close to his body. His hand ran down my back. That moment was never to be forgotten.
That phone call asking if I was his friend, that moment they informed me of the accident, the drive here, how he said my name but not recognising it. I can't hold back my tears anymore. No, not today.
I washed my face and walked out. "Chenle, let's try again," I said while looking down to our pictures from our first and only date. Oh, how I wish there were more memories. He nodded and walked beside me.
"Jaemin, come sit here. We'll do this together." Renjun said to me. I sat beside Jeno and stared into his eyes. "Jeno, tell me what happened. I know that this is not the right time or place and also, you don't remember me and that's okay." No, It's not. I'm not okay.
"Uh, okay blondie. So I was in a car ride with my parents and we were about to meet my future wife and I hate that because I am gay but then this happened. Are you done?"
I nodded my head. "Oh, so the only thing you remember are them? Right?" I asked whilst pointing out to the boys.
"Yeah, I remember those two but I wanna ask. Are you one of my friends? I'm sorry for being rude earlier until I saw you left to the toilet and came back with puffy eyes," he said. Face full of concern.
"Sorry? Oh. You did say you are gay right? Well, I am your boyfriend. It may be hard to believe or remember it but I am. See this. These pictures are from our first and only date like two days ago," I said, showing him the pictures on my phone.
His eyebrows furrowed, trying hard to remember. "I'm sorry, blondie but I don't remember any of these. Perhaps we can create new memories? Because I just find out that the cutest guy in the whole wide world was my boyfriend. Oh, sorry. Is, my boyfriend,"
My heart soothed after hearing that. There you go Nana, you're still worthy. "Come on, Jeno. You will discharge tomorrow. We have to get going now-" "Wait, can blondie stay? I kinda want to be with him for now,"
"Uh, yeah sure," "Bye, Renjun. Hi, blondie."
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Y'all won't need a subtitle for that right? Heh. I hope the last part gave everyone reading a smile. We love angst in this household.