A Reunion Yet To Come

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After listening to his sword explain all the new possibilities that he could do, Wei Ying was more than excited to show them off to Lan Zhan. If Lan Zhan thought they were equal, what would he think if he knew I was at a higher level?

Just the thought of that brought a smirk to his face, getting up on his feet, patting off the dust and dirt from his clothes, he held up suibian.

"Take me to where Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng are" Wei Ying ordered.

Understanding his master's request, Wei Ying mounted suibian, soon to be reunited with his brother and friend. Chenqing hidden within his clothes, he won't need to use it now that he got his sword back, for now........

Back to Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng

"What do you mean Suibian just woke up and flew away!?" Sect Leader Jiang finally woke up from his short slumber, only to be told such chaotic news.

"I speak no lies, while I was guarding the night shift, Suibian woke up and flew in that direction. I would have chased after it but I dare not let my guard down in Wen territory." Lan Zhan explained, not excessive nor lacking.

Jiang cheng could only drop in defeat, his brother's sword is intelligent, it wouldn't do something stupid unlike his master, it must be looking for Wei Ying instead. If that was the case, all the more that it was a wasted opportunity to follow and search for Wei Ying.

Without another second to waste, they destroyed any piece of evidence of ever resting near the river and set off again, all before the rise of the sun, masked in the silence of the night. Bless the Lans' internal alarm clock.

Upon reaching their destination, they can hear voices. Muffled noises of two men and a woman, the woman sounding so frightened just as the man tries to soothe her.

"Wh-wha-wha-what i-if-if that m-m-man isn't really dead!? I can feel his s-s-spirit haunting me in my dreams, maybe he's com-coming for us!?? What are we gonna do!?!?!" the woman screamed.

"Ahh stop being so scared, I saw it myself that he fell and died. There's never been a single person to ever survive a fall from such heights! Now shut up and go to sleep!" the man screamed at her.

"Zhuliu let's go, she can sleep by herself tonight, I feel like grabbing a drink!" the voice now sounded clearer, the men revealed to be Wen Chao and his guard, Wen Zhuliu, the core-melting hand.

Having heard the confession themselves, Lan Zhan and Jiang cheng both have never felt this strong of a desire to kill. They both looked at each other and they already knew, a plan must be made and that plan will seek blood. Waiting for the noise to calm down, they planned on waiting at the roof, observe more of what they need to see first before they can take any action. They slid a tile-piece off to watch.

Nothing unusual, just a plain room, tables, chairs, a bed, a lady hanging herself, a desk, A WAIT HUH?

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