Chapter Five

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I have never drawn ship art really? besides doodles but when I was writing this chapter I decided to add a bit of visual, I hope you like it! Realism isn't really my strong point haha-- now on to the chapter!


"Let go" Zak's voice lost as he broke into a fit of sobs, using what little strength he had pressing against Darryl's chest. Tears had left their stains on Zak's cheeks, the heavy taste of iron mixed on his tongue where his lip had torn, nibbling away at the dry skin almost bittersweet.

Darryl ignored Zak's efforts to push him away, only drawing the boy closer to his chest feeling the way Zak visibly tensed under him, head curled down. Zak hammering closed fists against the man, his arm's trembling, trying to free himself wanting the man to leave. Darryl, forcing his eyes closed, trying to ignore the growing pain spreading in his chest; the heavy ache as he watched the person he loved cry, watching Zak so broken

How could this have happened? How could Darryl allow himself to break him, take away everything so quickly? He'd fucked up big time.

Darryl wished for nothing more to take back the words he said, only wishing he had chosen any other name to call the boy, but he hadn't and this was the result of it. Zak's voice slowly softened, fading as it becomes muffled against his shirt, words becoming slurred. His hits had weakened before becoming nonexistent, the burning to keep his eyes open the only think wearing Zak from sleep. Darryl could feel the teen deflate over his chest, Zak's head falling against him, his breaths becoming faint as he allowed sleep to capture him.

To see someone you love in pain, a pain that couldn't be remedied- it was the worse form of torture even if the person-- even if Zak didn't know the feelings Darryl bared for him. Feeling his chest lurched, breaking in a sharp sigh of relief as he looked over the sleeping teen curled against his chest.

Carefully moving away, not wanting to wake Zak up doubting the teen would wake up even if he threw him onto the floor, the exhaustion having finally seeped in. Tearing himself away, leaving Zak alone on the couch, feeling himself frown looking at the boy alone as he slowly began to curl into himself. Zak looked far too small, the hoodie he wore hanging far to lose, where a stomach should be ribs were defined.

It was heartbreaking, seeing someone you know, someone you care about fade away in front of your own eyes. Darryl sat beside the couch, looking at Zak feeling useless, knowing there was nothing he could do watching the boy's chest slowly rise before falling, repeating over and over listening to the shallow breaths.

'How did I not realize this sooner'


Groaning softly, burying his face into the cushion, letting out a heavy breath closing his eyes again before shooting up, Zak instantly regretting it as a rush filled his head

Darryl glanced over having heard Zak groan seeing the teen pushing himself up. "Zak"

Zak jumped, startled as he turned around seeing Darryl standing behind the couch with a glass of water as he wore a somber smile something that ever-growing pit in his stomach ache more. Sucking in a breath having not expected him to wait till he had woken up.

"Uh, hi"

What was he supposed to do? Zak trying to process a response his emotions muddled wondering what to say, what to do.

Wanting to scream at the man, force him away- yet he wanted Darryl close.

Darryl's voice caused Zak to break away from his thoughts, "Zak, please," his voice sounded so desperate as he spoke, walking closer before they sat in the same position they did before all went to hell.

"What's wrong?" the pleading in his eyes, Zak felt lost looking into the man's eyes feeling defenseless like his walls- all of them crumbling around him only to bury him beneath. Hugging himself, only offering a pitiful smile,

"I don't know" it was hard to answer that question when nothing's right. Zak knew he could take the pain of this all, the pleasure of satisfaction as the pounds slowly began to shed away, bare all of this till he broke, only hoping Darryl would be there to catch him when he fell.

'Please don't let me be alone'

A sigh escaped the man's lips as he looked at Zak, smiling softly feeling the pull of his lips, "I'm here for you Zak, we'll get you help" Zak laughed at this looking up at Darryl, eyes burning as tears threatened to fall once again.

'God I'm such a cry baby'

"I don't need help Darryl" Darryl knew he'd never get across to Zak, feeling himself sigh placing the glass of water on the empty coffee table beside them. "I, I can't let you suffer, I caused this"

"Please let me help" he begged, wanting Zak to be safe—wondering if it was to clear his own conscience.

Zak chuckled softly, using his wrist to wipe away warm tears, "Why?" he sobbed, "Why do you care?" Darryl shuffled closer to Zak, trying to keep a smile while his heart broke seeing the boy, not knowing even how to begin to describe the pain he felt looking at the broken teen.

Darryl placed a hand on Zak's as he continued to hug himself, taking Zak into a hug once again letting the younger rest his head on his shoulder before carding a soothing hand through Zak's hair, gently combing through each strand.

It was comforting, in a way neither could explain having each other so close, Zak able to hear Darryl's breath, feel the warmth tickling his skin; as Darryl listened to the uneven beats of Zak's heart.

"You'll be okay I promise" 


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, sorry it was so short! 

I felt like everything is going rather fast and rushed so I'm trying to slow things down a bit, but I hoped the few who read this enjoyed it! Please leave a vote and comment if you got a moment to spare!

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