Untitled Part 3

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                                            Beyond the Moonlight

Chapter 1

Damon Makes a Deal

Its July 4, 1860, the moon is high and bright in the dark night sky. The chill in the air felt like death was among the town of Rosewood. let me tell you about Rosewood. Rosewood is a pretty town in GA. The willow trees sway in the summer breeze, the nights are as black as night but the stars shine brighter than a flame. Towns people are kind but gossip a lot especially with new folks moving in. Rosewood is a safe place to live, safe enough to leave doors unlocked. Rosewood Georgia is named after the beautifully odd Rosewood tree. The blooms a metallic pinkish red. Looks like the tree has a soul. A lot of town ls people are afraid to walk past the tree. But, the tree does have extensive history of death and loss. Damon walks among the unsuspecting town people with a smirk on his face. Looking for two young men or women to make his deal with. That's where he saw the ones he saw William Everett and Bo Stevens There is William and Bo and as Damon smirk widened he knew the boys was always bullied by a group young man, and while these young men never gave William and Bo a chance to be friends. William is tall with brown hair, blue eyes, clean shaven, and real thin. Bo is tall but a little bit more muscular built, with blonde hair, greyish eyes and with a mustache. These certain boys that picked on William and Bo were known around town are known misfits, trouble maker they pick on the elderly people even rob the elderly these men even pick on William's friend Bo. William always vow to give those boys taste of their own medicine.

One night after work William and Bo are walking home the bullies start beating up William and Bo. William comes to and across the street in alley a man appears out of nowhere. William believes he is dreaming, or he got beat in the head to hard and William sees the man as he walks over to the alleyway. The man speaks to William in real deep voice "I can help with your problem." William sees the man he looks like he's been around a while. He had long black hair, with light skin like a ghost, his eyes bright blue the color of the ocean as they begin glow, and two grey stubs on both sides of the top of his back what looks to appear that they where wings at one time or another. William says "I don't think anyone can help us." The man says "Oh don't judge a book by its cover." the man says, "William my name is Damon." William cuts Damon off while he is talking and says "How do you know my name?" Damon replies "I know everybody, your poor friend Bo over there is out for the count." Damon said "Like I said before I can help you I want to make a deal, you help take care take of bad deal across street in apartment 33B." William asks Damon "Why is it a bad deal?" Damon replies "He was in a situation, I offered him my help, but in return the man was suppose get one those men that you are beefing with. That was 6 months ago, and he never fulfilled his deal with me. Those men are ugly souls, they are pure evil even devil himself would love them, probably be on top rank of his staff." William asks Damon "I don't know if I want you to give me deal." Damon replies "Oh I don't make false deals and once you make a deal with me there is no turning back. If you take care of problem in 33B I'll help with your situation." Damon hands William a 9mm gun you are to shoot the man and kill him that is the deal. Once I hand this gun to you the deal is in motion and there is no going back." Damon says. William makes his way to the apartment building nerves on end and shaking. William opens the door to the apartment and begins climbing the stairs to the third floor. Without even knowing William finds himself standing in front of apartment 33B's door. William knocks on the door and he hears the man call out "Just a second!" The next thing William know is the door opens William looks at the man and says "I need help." The man looks at William with shock on his face. While this is going on Bo is knocked out Damon finally throws water on Bo to bring him to. Bo wakes ask what's going, where am I unknown to Bo William his friend got him in deal remember Damon said I'll help with your problem, also William said I don't think anyone can help us so in a sense he put his friend it to and since Bo is in problem Damon feels he's apart of deal.

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