Untitled Part 6

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Chapter 17

Exorcising Nola's Demons

Nola's behavior throughout the weekend becomes much worse. It seems like she isn't the same woman. Like someone else is in her place. The look in her eyes is completely different, no gleam and lifeless. William looks at his wife and sees the lifeless expression in her eyes. Yielding all caution he slides next to her in the bed. "Love, are you alright?" William asks. Nola turns her head and smiles wickedly at William. the same lifeless expression in her eyes. "Why would you ask such a question William?" Nola says her voice raspy. "Im worried about you love. You are acting different, even the look in your eyes is different. You seem troubled." William says. "No, not troubled. Nola says looking at William with malice in her eyes. William's expression toward his wife was shock and confusion. He knew he would have to talk to the rest of the family to find out what's going on with Nola. William takes Nola's hand in his and brings it to his lips. Kissing her hand he holds it to his heart. "Love if something is wrong, you need to tell me. My heart only beats for you. I would die if something ever happened to you." William says with a sad expression on his face. Nola looks at William and sneers "You need to worry about yourself, Im fine and I am sick of your shit. Just leave me the hell alone." Nola says angrily. William gets up from the bed and walks towards the door. Turning the handle William looks back at Nola and says, "I love you Nola, I was hoping that would be enough. But, I guess it isn't enough anymore." William says walking out the door and closing it behind him. Nola picks up the vase on the bedside table and throws it at the door. The sound of shattering glass echoing in the silent room. Nola looks at the glass and sneers as she lays back on the bed and closes her eyes.

William goes into the kitchen and sits down at the counter. Pouring whiskey in a glass William downs the drink, the amber liquid burning going down his throat.William looks into the empty glass and frowns. He hears footsteps approaching and looks up and sees Bo. "Hey old friend, everything ok?" Bo says. "Its Nola, she isnt herself. She is acting completely different. It's like she is another person, the way she looks at me, the way she speaks it's not Nola at all. I feel like she is someone else, like she is possessed. I don't know what to say or do Bo. I don't want to lose her." William says sadly. "Listen, no need to worry. You know we can talk to Melissa and maybe she can run some tests on her. But, we need to hurry before Daniel and Luna came back from their weekend away. We don't need them to worry about anything else. It's been peaceful old friend, but I swear to you we will find out what's going on with Nola and we will fix it." Bo says laying his hand on William's shoulder for support. "I hope your right Bo. I don't think I can handle it if I lost her." William says sternly. "I know William, I know. Why don't you go to the guest room and try to get some sleep and we will figure it out more tomorrow morning. Maybe we can all see how Nola is acting and have a chat with her. Just to figure out if she is different in anyway. If she is we will all handle the situation as a family." Bo says. "Ok, I will see you in the morning Bo." William says getting up from the table and heading down the long hallway to the guest room. Reaching for the handle he turns the knob and heads into the room. Looking out the door William says to Bo, "Thank you for coming back into my life. I wouldn't be able to handle this alone." "We may have had our fights, but we will always be friends. Get some sleep I will see you in the morning." Bo says. "Goodnight Bo." William says closing the door with a soft click behind him.

William is glad to see the sunlight shining through the window. Rolling over to put his arms around Nola he realizes that the bed beside him is empty. Looking around the room he notices he is in the guest room. Getting up from the bed he heads into the adjacent bathroom and takes a quick shower. Stepping out of the shower he dries off with a towel and gets his clothes back on. Walking out of the room he heads to the kitchen. "Good morning William." Melissa and Nick say. "Good morning, anyone seen Nola yet?" William says. "No not yet, and that's odd for her because she is usually the first one downstairs and making breakfast." Melissa says looking at William concerned. "Melissa, I need your help, something is going on with my wife. She isn't acting like herself, it almost like.." William's words are cut short by Melissa. "She's someone else. Yeah I have noticed a change in her and not a good one. With everything that has happened. It wouldn't surprise me if one of these soul jumping bastards took her over when they died. It's a race against time to exorcise whatever has inhabited her body. If we don't do it soon, Nola will be completely lost, and the "thing" inside her will take over. But, no worries William, Rose and I will take care of the problem at hand." Melissa says looking over at Rose nodding her head in agreement. "I have seen this before William, and I should have caught on sooner. I'm sorry, but I will make this promise to you. We will get Nola back in one piece if its the last thing Melissa and I do." Rose says smiling at William. "I trust you, but please don't hurt her, she has been through enough in her life." William pleads. "Taking the soul jumper out of her will hurt a lot, but she won't remember any of it. Nola won't have any wounds to question about later. The soul jumper will be the only one that will feel the pain." Rose says. "When can you ladies start this process?" William asks. "Once I confirm it is a soul jumper, Melissa and I will be able to begin the process. It's going to be an all night process, but in the end we will all have Nola back." Rose says. "Then please do what you have to do, and bring my wife back to me." William says with a frown forming on his face. Melissa and Rose look at one another and nod their heads. Rose rises from her seat and Melissa follows. Both women walk past William laying their hand on his shoulder as they head for the stairs. "Wish us luck gentlemen." Melissa says. "Good luck ladies." Bo and William say in unison.

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