Untitled Part 4

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Chapter 3

Surprises Come in Small Bundles

"Your pregnant? We are having a baby?" Bo says. "Yes." Rose says. Bo shouted excitedly!!! The thought of him and Rose having a baby, caused his whole mind to race. Excitement and joy coursed through his veins like fire. Bo faced Rose and lifted her in his arms and spun her around and gently set her back on the ground. "I can not believe I am going to be a dad!" Bo exclaimed. Yes, love a father. The doctor said that by my last cycle I am about twelve weeks and two days. The doctor also said it was odd I was not showing any symptoms of my being pregnant and took birth control pills I know I didn't miss a dose. Oh well I'm to be a mom. "Bo witch's can take that" Rose replies, "Yes I am woman too." Rose said. Bo looked at her shocked. Then remembering everything that has happened in the last few weeks, the stress from that could have masked the symptoms of her pregnancy. "I am very excited about the idea of being a dad. I don't care if its a boy or girl as long as he or she is healthy." Bo said. Tears well up in Rose's eyes and she smiled weakly. "I'm tired Bo, I need to lie down." Rose said quietly. Bo picks Rose up and carries her to the bed, covers her up and leaves the room and returns with herbal tea and vitamins. Rose drinks the tea and takes the vitamins and closes her eyes to the silence of the room. Bo sits there for what seems like hours and protectively watches over his wife and their unborn child. Thoughts running through Bo's head silence when he hears Rose stirring. "Are you ok Bo?" Rose asks. "Yes, just want to make sure you and our baby is safe." Bo says. Bo walks over to the bed and lays down next to Rose and pulls her close to him and they both fall asleep. The morning chill in the air woke Bo up. He jumps up out of the bed without disturbing Rose and turns the heat on. Bo turns around to see Rose standing behind him with a delirious look on her face that Bo has never seen before. "Rose honey are you alright?" Bo asks. "Hmm just feel really nauseous." Rose whispered. Then Rose leans forward in a swift motion and begins to get sick. "Oh honey, it's alright. Let's get you back to bed where you will stay for the rest of the day. I will call the doctor and see if she will make a house call." Bo reassures Rose. All Rose can do is nod weakly as Bo carries her back to the bed. Bo has been woken up when he heard a knock at the door and he got out of the bed and answered the knock.

Dr. Charlene was standing there with a smile on her face. "Hello Bo, so tell me what's going on with our little patient." Charlene said. "Rose has been having severe nausea, and seems to be very weak." Bo says. "Bo, you have to understand. Rose is pregnant and some pregnancies are a breeze and others are rough. But, all the symptoms will subside in another week or so." Dr. Charlene said. "No, you need to come see her and do an ultrasound. I don't think they were right on how far along she is." Bo exclaimed. Dr. Charlene followed Bo with her portable ultrasound and went into the bedroom. Rose laying there sleeping, pale and sickly looking. Bo went to Rose's side and gently woke her. "Honey the doctor is here to see you." Bo said gently. Rose opened her eyes weakly and all she could do was nod her head. "Hello Rose, I am Dr Charlene and I will be handling your pregnancy from here on out. Let's take a look at that beautiful baby shall we." Dr. Charlene said.

The jelly was warm against Rose's cold skin which to Rose was a relief. Looking at the screen the doctor's eyes went wide with shock. "What is it Doc?" Bo asked with fear in his voice. "Well....Rose seems to be progressing through her pregnancy at a rapid rate. She went from being 12 weeks to 24 weeks. This baby is basically not what I would call a human." Dr Charlene said. "Um Doc that's really weird you would say that. I don't want to scare you but I am not full human. I am half human, half werewolf. I was cursed as a young man, the curse came from a demon named Damon. Basically my friend William and I was suppose to carry out what the demon called a bad deal. If we didn't then he would do his worse to us. Which in turn I was turned to a werewolf and my friend a vampire. If the baby is rapidly growing then my son or daughter is not a normal child, but then what does it mean for Rose?" Bo asks. "Well she will need to have a c-section at 28 weeks because this baby looks fully capable of surviving. The baby has the right birth weight of a full term baby. The baby will be ok and so will Rose. If she has the c-section, if not and she tries to have this baby naturally she will die." Dr. Charlene said. "Doc can you tell us if its a boy or girl?" Bo asked anxiously. "Well both of you will be excited to know that you have a very healthy baby girl." Dr Charlene said with a smile. "Doc we will see you in two weeks for the c-section. I don't want to risk the life of either our daughter or my wife." Bo said. Dr Charlene packs her equipment back into her large bag and Bo walked her out.

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