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While Remus walked towards the lounge room deceit went off to the side he didn't want to hear Remy laugh at him he already knew Remus thought he was weird and there wasn't any hope of stopping him from blabbering off his head about it all.

Dee went back to his room quietly, Remus clearly didn't notice. Dee held his plushie tightly he felt like crying again instead he forced himself out of little space again and wiped his eye's quickly putting his stuffie down his thoughts were racing what was going to happen now. The best he could do was pretend this never happened that's what he's best at anyway

Remus poked Remy almost out of nowhere making Remy jump slightly "Remus what is it you want this time" Remy made sure his glasses were still placed "well deceit was crying because something attacked him, I dunno some dog thing, and he's acting like a little kid. he had a plushie and kept a bean bag in the roof! like I'm confused about what this is because I just dunno yknow, of course, you know" Remus spouted out the words barely taking time to breathe

"Remus you need to calm the fuck down. Let me get this straight deceit was in the roof, a place we never knew about before, acting like a hurt kid?" Remus nodded quickly " mhm!" "Ok look hold that thought"

Remy grabbed his phone and texted someone Remus tried to look over my shoulder but Remy pushed him away before putting down his phone "who is ya talking to?" "a knows now he's a therapist smart guy he should know what's going on if he doesn't we'll rely on whatever Google says" "so instead of searching it up you're asking him...oh I get it you guys must be Fuck buddies! or would you rather call it friends with benefits?" "Ew Remus no-"

Deceit walked past to making Remus go quit and watch him before he disappeared into the kitchen "he looks fine now" Remy broke the silence making Remus turn back to him "you should have seen him before thooo I know I didn't imagine it if that's what you think because if I imagined anything it would've been him having an orgy up there that would have been much more interesting plus me-"

"Remus I believe you please do not continue just go occupy yourself while I get information ok" Remy interrupted and Remus nodded quickly going with the first thought that popped into his head and went into the kitchen

Deceit had sat himself down at the table Remus happily popped up next to him "whatcha eating are you still upset from earlier? Yknow because you were crying a-" "leave me alone Remus, I wasn't crying earlier and I'm perfectly fine"

Remus stuck out his tongue "liar" "Remus go entertain yourself elsewhere" deceit hissed back Remus licked his lips while thinking "hey dee do ya know what the popcorn trick is?~"

"...leave me alone" Remus took the opportunity to be obnoxious and grabbed a leaf from one of the dying plant's they had kept in the kitchen since they wouldn't touch something Virgil left behind "I'm sorry did you say leaf me alone?" Deceit groaned "'ve been around the light sides too much, you need to stay away from them if we want this plan to work yknow" "does that involve Virgil?"

Deceit almost flinched at the name before snapping at Remus "yes that includes him, he chose to leave us and I don't care about him!" Remus blinked at first with a look of surprise but it slowly turned into a helpless giggle he tried to hold in by covering his mouth

Deceit growled standing up and went to walk out but before he could Remy slide in through the doorway easy for him since he never took off his socks unless he was reminded that it was bad for his feet.

Deceit raised an eyebrow noticing Remus had now gone quiet. Remy was kinda drawn a blank he was planning to say something but what exactly would he says.

He took a breath before looking straight at deceit again who shared a confused look with Remus who was still letting out slight giggles "...are you a little...? um I think that's what he called it"

Word count: 725

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