❤️ Shigaraki imagine #1❤️

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Is it too early for this? Never!

Imagine spending Christmas with the league:

Imagine spending Christmas with the league:

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I brought mince pies! "

Y/n shouted out as she entered the building.

Despite it's dimly lit interior the hideout had a relatively lively atmosphere about it, most of the time.

And especially at Christmas time too.

Shigaraki was not religious but couldn't deny the others of their festive traditions either.

" Yay y/n! "

Toga greeted, enthusiastically bounding over to take the boxes from her hands.

Kurogiri and Dabi were decorating a tree placed in the centre of the room as Shigaraki sat dispondantly at the bar with a mug.

Twice was happily drawing Christmas scenes on the peeling brick walls with a stick of chalk, making y/n chuckle to herself.

Walking over to the blue haired villain, she grabbed a mug and began brewing herself a cup of tea.

" Hey. "

He grumbled at her in recognition of her entrance.

" Merry Christmas to you too. "

She added sarcastically in response to his own solemn tone.

" I'm sorry, I'm just tired. "

" It's alright, I wasn't teasing you Tomura. This time of year sure is busy. "

" You're right about that, especially with all of this 'All Might' stuff. "

She nodded in agreement as she sat next to him with her own steaming cup.

" Do you like the decorations y/n? "

Twice asked with a smile plastered across his face.

Looking around at the paper garlands and sparse fairy lights she decided a lot of effort had gone into attempting to spice up the place a bit.

" It's great, but it's missing something."

" What? "

He inquired impatiently and Shigaraki sniggered next to her at his childish nature.

" Perhaps some music? "

It came out like a question almost but it was a solid suggestion.

Immediately Shigaraki retaliated as expected.

" No. No way. I put up with decorations but no music. "

" Just a little bit? "

Y/n pleaded, looking at him with wide eyes and pouting slightly.

" Don't make that face. "

But it was too late.

Toga, who had heard the suggestion also, as well as Twice, joined her pleading expression.

" Stop it, all of you...

Fine, but only a bit. "

" Yes! "

They all exclaimed happily, hopping about.

Going over to the radio, y/n changed it to the Christmas station and turned it up to the highest volume.

A tune that she didn't  know the name of, but was still familiar, began to play, jingle bells and all.

Toga and twice twirled around happily together and Dabi and Kurogiri bopped their heads to the beat of the music in a corner.

" Come on Tomura. "

Y/n dragged him from his seat to the middle of the floor and started to twirl him around by the hand.

" Be more graceful. "

She teased as he stiffly span like a wooden toy.

" I'm trying. "

He answered grumpily.

But soon later he was clearly enjoying himself, smiling at her as they rotated around each other to the beat.

As the song ended they were both breathing heavily and made eye contact before laughing heartily.

" Thank you y/n. "

" No problem Tomura. "

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