❤️ Kirishima imagine #2 ❤️

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Imagine texting Kirishima:

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Imagine texting Kirishima:

Y/n had just gotten out of school, general study classes finished before the hero courses, and she had arrived at home.

She knew that Kirishima, her old middle school friend, would still be training.

Knowing him, he'd be showing off, being brash and trying his best.

Y/n sighed. He was following his dreams to be a hero.

It was good for him, he had an amazing quirk for it, but she couldn't help but worry about him.

The hero lifestyle was strenuous and she knew of many people who had dropped out of hero courses, dreams crushed.

She didn't want that to be him.

But he was Kirishima, the brazen, bold and confident Kirishima she knew so well.

He would never give in.

Pulling out her phone, she decided to text him.

They had been chatting quite a lot over phone since it was hard to talk during classes, seeming as though she studied a whole different syllabus to him.

She scrolled through the messages from this morning.

Good morning!
Sent at 7:34 a.m

Hey, how are you?
Sent at 7:35 a.m

Good thanks, what about you?
Sent at 7:35 a.m

I'm great, today is a big day
Sent at 7:36 a.m

Really? What's happening?
Sent at 7:36 a.m

Our first hero training
Sent at 7:36 a.m

Wow! Good luck 😊
Sent at 7:37 a.m

Thanks y/n
Sent at 7:37 a.m

Do you think we could meet up after school?
Sent at 7:38 a.m

Sorry, the training finishes late today
Sent at 7:38 a.m

That's okay, I'll see you later👋
Sent at 7:39 a.m

Alright, bye 👋
Sent at 7:39 a.m

Y/n thought about him still at school somewhere.

Heroes sure had a lot of work to put in.

She wasn't sure if she would have been able to do all that work if she had gone to the hero course, if she had a quirk.

But y/n always told herself not to get down trodden with those facts, that she was quirkless.

She didn't like to tell people often, it made them see her differently, like she was weaker, they'd try and protect her from the smallest things.

So y/n shut herself out during middle school, not wanting anyone to know about her weakness.

Apart from Kirishima.

He would always smile at her, and not a pitying smile, a genuinely happy one.

So one day they began talking, and it grew from there.

She had to admit, she perhaps had some feeling for him, some sentiment.

But she didn't think she'd ever act on them, at least for a long while.

Y/n thought for a bit, drifting into her mind before typing something and sending it to the red head.

Hope the training went well, see you soon! ♥️
Sent at 3:41 p.m
Kirishima pov:

I walked into the changing room with Kaminari, chatting about the training.

" I hope Midoriya is alright, he seemed pretty banged up. "

" Yeah. "

I agreed, thinking back to the bruised form of our classmate being taken away.

" But some people dude, they're crazy strong. "

Kaminari yawned, going to his locker to undress.

I laughed at that statement thinking back to Todoroki practically freezing the entire building, including Ojiro.

Going over to my own locker, I opened it and went to grab my stuff.

As I opened it, I saw my phone screen light up with a notification.


Picking up the device I quickly read over the brief text.

Warm happiness overcame me as I thought about her.

She was always so kind and sweet and beautiful, and she genuinely cares about me too.

It was such a shame I couldn't see her that much anymore.

But at least I saw her around occasionally, she was smart enough to get into general studies.

I've been thinking about asking her out for a walk or meal or something along those lines for a while now.

" Who's texting you Kirishima? "

Kaminari called out from across the room.

" Erm, "

" Y/n, a girl?! "

This time it was Mineta, who had peeked over to see my phone screen, using his small height to his advantage.

" Hey. "

I retorted, annoyed at this intrusion, and stuffed the phone into my bag.

" A girl? "

Kaminari joked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

" We're just friends. "

I explained half-truthfully.

" Sure. "

Kaminari grinned before resuming his position at his locker.

Looking down I saw Mineta wink at me before whispering,

" Tell me if she can hook me up with anyone. "


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