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Lauren's POV

I pulled up to David's house and parked the car, my heart was beat out of my chest with anxiety. I got out and closed the door behind me.

I wanted to walk up to the door but my feet felt like they were stuck in cement. "Come on Lauren move" I said to myself.

I took a deep breath and made my way to his door. I brought my hand up to knock on the door and then quickly pulled it back down, I couldn't do it. I walked away from the door and began pacing in the drive way.

"He's going to freak out, what if I can't do this alone...I'm not getting a abortion. I-" my thoughts were interrupted when a door opened. There stood David dresses in some gray sweatpants and a black shirt.

"Lauren? What are you doing here?" David asked, David and we're close friends all the way up until senior year of high school after that he moved to LA and we had to say goodbye, once I moved out our friendship was thin I only saw him occasionally.

"I uh...David I'm actually here to talk to you" I said "it's pretty important but looks like I caught you at a bad time so I'm going to go" I said nervously giggled.

"No no not at all I was actually just coming out here to get something out of my car" David said closing the door behind him

"What's up? Is everything alright?" David asked, his hair was a floppy messy but the ragged up look is something he pulled off well.
Focus Lauren!

"You remember your party correct?" I asked, I looked down the floor now becoming my main focal point as I twiddled with my fingers.

"Yeah, of course I didn't really drink that much cause I knew I'd get sick so I remember it quite clearly" David folding his arms over his chest.

"And you remember when we.." I stopped hoping he would know what I was talking about.

David looked down, his hand coming to the back of his neck "yeah, Lauren of course I do...look-"

"I'm pregnant" I cut off what he was going to say.

David's face went pale, his hand that was rested on his neck met his other hand as they now sat clung together behind his head.

"You-your pregnant" he asked to make sure he heard me correct.

I began to tear up at his reaction "David I never meant for any of this to happen" I said my voice cracking a little.

"I'm going to be a dad" he said he said "do-do you have the test?" He asked.

I nodded and reached into the purse that hung to my waist, I pulled the pregnancy test out showing him.

David took the test from my hand and examined it intensely as if the cross would suddenly switch to a dash.

He handed it back to me after a while "Lauren..." he began to say.

"David it's ok if you want nothing to do with this I just thought you should know that..it's yours, 100%" I said

"That's not what I was going to say Lauren...I was going to say that I want to be by you and our baby all the way, I know this is going to reflect badly on my career but you and I can make it work for the baby" David said pulled me into a hug. I smiled for the first time in the last few hours.

"We are going to do this together and this kid is going to be so beautiful and talents and funny" David reassured me.

"I know, we can do this" I said.
"I need to call up my manager, he will help work out the details so that this won't hurt my reputation" David said and I nodded. We both went inside and I sat at the table, David handed me some water to which I sipped.

David was pacing around the living room slowly as he held his phone to his ear, he was explaining the whole situation to his manager.

Finally David hung up and returned to where I was. "He's on his way with some contracts and ways to go about this, he is going to help us" David said.

"I hope so.."

A/N: welcome to part 1 of chapter 1 I hope you liked it just as much as I liked writing it. This story is so fun to write and I can wait to add on to it.

Make sure you go ahead and check out my profile and the other stories I have I would really appreciate if you FOLLOW, READ, AND VOTE

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