Chapter 2

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(Authors Note: If any of yall have not seen Overlord yet I suggest seeing all 3 seasons first cos there will be spoilers. You have been warned!)

(??? POV) somewhere in a forest in the outskirts of a city.)

I've been running away from the mean people with scary masks for a while now, I am too scared to look back because one of them found me and now I'm running again. The one chasing me is the biggest meanie of them all, he always hurts me every day, He always touches me in weird places and blindfolds me and puts in or pokes me with weird things that either hurt me or make me feel weird and he would always hit me with something over and over again, and I'm tired of it. So I ran away, I'm scared to be caught because I know he's mad and will hurt me again but I know it will be much worse when he's mad. As I was running I tripped and started to roll downhill, and when I stopped It hurt, but it was not as bad as when, the mean people hurt me. So I got up and saw a weird house that looks old and since the mean man was close I had no choice but to go inside.

 So I got up and saw a weird house that looks old and since the mean man was close I had no choice but to go inside

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(A/N: Weird House)^

I ran down started to climb the stairs and got inside of the weird house but stopped when I saw how the building looked inside. I knew the building was old but this building looked like it was super old and really dusty. There were broken parts of the old weird house on the floor, but what surprised me the most was the size of the room. It was huge! So I kept looking around.

(A/N: Like this but imagine the throne room instead of the library

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(A/N: Like this but imagine the throne room instead of the library.)

I kept walking and looking around when suddenly I see a skeleton wearing clothes sitting on a chair at the end of the big room. It's weird because the skeleton looked like it was sleeping and It looked scary, really scary. 


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