Challenge Accepted

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"Mr.Han! You can't just--reschedule the meeting last minute! The director is already here and waiting in the conference room!" A frantic secretary complained, hurriedly trying to keep up with the co-operate heir of the company.

"Tell him that something important came up. I can meet him later this week if there's another opening in my schedule," The raven responded, pulling on his jacket. While normally he would agree that canceling an 8 pm appointment with the director of a prestige company is completely irresponsible, he needed to leave early tonight. He had to...

"At least tell me why--"

"Assistant Kang is aware of my reasons. I see no need to inform you as well," Jumin sent a glare towards his secretary, the woman shrinking into her skin. He felt as if the continuation of their conversation was just a waste of time.

"I-I..." the secretary struggled for words before shaking her head in an attempt to compose herself. "Of course, Mr.Han. I apologize for my rudeness. It was out of place. I'm sure Ms.Kang is capable of taking care of your duties on her own. In the meantime, I shall do as you ask and inform Mr.Yamamoto of your leave. Have a good night sir," with that, the redheaded woman gathered herself and walked away in the direction of the conference room.

Jumin watched as she left before he too, made his exit. Stepping into the cold air of night, the man furrowed his brows upon seeing an all too familiar figure leaning up against a much less familiar motorcycle.

"Took you long enough. It's pretty cold out here you know?" Zen snorted.

  "And yet you're still wearing nothing but a leather jacket. I should have taken extra time inside," the raven head furrowed his brows at the extra helmet the other was now offering him.

  "What? You never seen a biking helmet before?" The albino grinned, his crimson eyes narrowing with a teasing malice.

  "I'm not uneducated, must I care to remind you?" Jumin snatched the protection from the still elevated hand, something akin to a growl emitting from his throat. "I would just prefer it if we would go by car..."

  "Where's the fun in that?" Zen threw his leg over the seat of the bike, sliding forward to make room for the other male.

  "It's not supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be safe," The man retaliated, yet reluctantly slid into position behind Zen and carefully locked his arms around his waist.

  "Hold on!" Zen shouted over the rev of his engine. Jumin groaned to himself, knowing that they would be going well over the speed limit.


  "So what was it that you needed to tell me?" The heir asked, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets. The two had stopped at a grassy cliff overlooking the city. It was hell of a lot darker from when they first departed from the company building, and the stars now sprinkled across the sky like a portrait made with only indigo and white.

  "I can't tell you yet. Not until Seven gets here..." Zen responded, crossing his arms and facing the other. Jumin could tell by the look in his friend's eyes that whatever was going on wasn't a good thing. But then again, nothing has been good for the past few days.

"He might take forever to get here. Just tell me,".

  "I won't take that long! But you've always been the impatient type so it doesn't surprise me!" A different voice spoke up, coming from behind the raven. Both set of eyes turned their attention to a mop of red hair coming towards them from a car that wasn't there previously.

  "The commentary isn't needed. Now what's going on?" Jumin was starting to get frustrated. If they didn't tell him what was happening right now—

  "My system's been hacked," Seven was the one to answer, running a tired hand through his hair.

  Ok. It took a moment for Jumin to process that. Hacked? The hacker got hacked. Isn't that ironic? No. It was unbelievable. And extremely upsetting.

  "What do you mean you got hacked?" The raven asked slowly, testing the waters.

  "I mean that whoever had Yoosung was able to implant a virus into my system and also somehow managed to infect MC's phone. We're not sure how but they must be smarter than we thought," the redhead explained quickly, crossing his arms over his chest and furrowing his brows in thought.

  "Ok, so what do we do now? What do we know about who has Yoosung?" Jumin asked, stepping closer to the two. Whoever it was, they sure were going to have hell to pay once they found them.

  "Not much. But we do know that they must be smart as hell to be able to surpass Seven's abilities," Zen interjected, gritting his teeth and balling his hands into fists. Both men looked at him, concerned etched into their features.

  "Yeah...and that's what concerns me...I don't know what's going on or who has Yoosung...but something about their coding seems familiar to me. I can't explain why, but it does," Seven responded, taking a seat on the grass. It took a moment for the other two to join him, more time for Jumin rather.

  "What do you mean it seems familiar?"

  "I just told you that I can't explain why!" The hacker snapped at the heir, obvious frustration laced in his tone. It was quiet for some time, all three of the men pondering the information and trying to come up with some sort of plan. Before the silence could stretch for more than 7 minutes, Jumin spoke up.

  "I think I have an idea,".


  "This is an interesting turn of events..." Unknown's voice seeped into the air, an eyebrow raised at the college student in front of him.

  The blonde now stood against the wall, eyes cast upwards instead of down. They were no longer full of empty guilt and sorrow, but instead held a strange gleam in them. Almost...defiant? Curious? Unknown didn't know, but it pissed him off.

  "I-I....I want..." the student took a breath. "I want y-your...intentions...are..." He asked, teeth grit painfully underneath a busted lip.

  The albino stared at him, eyes wide in an attempt to take in the state of the other. This kid was dying and he still had the nerve to question his motives?

  He stomped forward until he was right in front of the other and gave Yoosung's cheek a hard blow.

  "My intentions are none of your concern..." Unknown growled, his face close to that of the student.

  "I-it is...if you' me..." a small grin creeped up onto the blonde's face. "O-or does this...involve s-someone...wh-o"

  "Why you little—" Unknown raised his fist to punch him again, but stopped midair when the smaller male kept on talking.

  "You can h-urt me all you w-want...bu-t I know...I ca-n fix you ba-ck to who you...used t-o be..."

A/N's 10:14...sorry about that. I wasn't about to upload today and instead upload tomorrow so I can take a mental break but you guys deserve this. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you guys again next chapter!

Tell me what ya'll think so far!!!

You Hurt Me But I fix You (Yooran FF//Yoosung x Saeran//Mystic Messenger)Where stories live. Discover now