Chapter Two

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Byul felt uneasy. She and YongSun were currently out shopping for baby supplies and she didn't like the looks they were getting. Sure, they could have just pretended they were friends out shopping together but the further YongSun got into her pregnancy the more clingy she got. The entire walk through the mall YongSun refused to let go of Byul's hand. They past yet another couple who gave them a once over, either YongSun pretended not to see them or she really wasn't paying attention. "What about this one Byul-Ah?" Byul glanced over at the crib she pointed at. It looked exactly the same as the last one she showed her but she that wasn't the answer her wife wanted so she made a few comments on shape and bed size, fully knowing YongSun was just going to pick the one she wanted in the end. YongSun seemed pleased with Byul's response and they continued walking through the store, YongSun began swinging their arms and humming to herself. Byul couldn't help but smile, she wanted nothing more than to kiss her right now but she didn't dare, not with all the eyes on them.

A half hour later the finally decided on a crib that matched YongSun's Disney Princess theme she had going for the nursery and put in the order for it. YongSun started buying things to fit the theme even before they found out they were having a girl. Byul would stand by and shake her head but let YongSun have her fantasy. When the results came back, YongSun cried with joy, Byul filmed it for future blackmail but she was also trying very hard not to cry. That was something odd to Byul. She had always been the girl who didn't want kids, not that she hated them but she just never desired having them. The day YongSun asked her if they could begin the process, she agreed because she would do anything for the woman she loved. However, the day YongSun showed her the positive pregnancy test, Byul felt different. It wa something she never knew she wanted until it was happening. Now she can't imagine a world that her and YongSun weren't having a baby.

Byul threw all of their bags in the trunk. A successful trip to the mall is where no one curses them out. Byul slid into the driver seat. As soon as she buckled up she leaned over and gave YongSun a long kiss, so deep she had to hold onto both sides of YongSun's face. When she finally pulled back YongSun was out of breath. "What was that for?"
Byul shrugged. "Because I love you." YongSun gave her a look like she had lost it. But Byul had to keep all her feelings bottled up when they were in the mall and she had to get it out. Byul leaned in again and kissed her slower this time, softly. Before YongSun could say anything Byul out the car in driver and pulled out of the mall.

They ate lunch at a small cafe. One that YongSun had come to frequent because she loved their cheese bread. YongSun didn't sit across from Byul, she slid into the bench next to her. She was being bold even though they were still in public. Once the food arrived she started asking Byul to feed her things or she would try to feed Byul things, she would whine if Byul wasn't playing along. Byul managed to use her body to block YongSun from the looks of the customers, keeping her on the inside of the bench and turning her back to the room. Not wanting to let anything upset YongSun while she was in such a good mood. YongSun eventually laid her head on Byul's shoulder, food settling, making her sleepy. Byul waved for the waitress to bring their bill so she could pay it and get her wife home for a nap. Byul hoped it was going to be a quick transaction but the waitress was clearly in a chatty mood. "Oh," She said noticing YongSun's bump. "How far along are you?"
YongSun smiled, she loved when people asked her these questions. She rubbed her stomach. "Six months." Byul tapped her card on the machine, hoping to speed it along.
The card approved and the waitress picked up the machine. "Boy or girl?" She was holding onto their receipt.
"It's a girl." Byul answered with strained smile.
At that the waitress's eyes flicked over their laced fingers, the way YongSun was relaxed into Byul's side, noticing there was more than a friendship going on here. "Congratulations." She managed with the same strained smile Byul gave her. Thankfully she left it at that, handed Byul her receipt and left the table. Byul quickly collected YongSun and rushed her out the door before anything else happened.

As soon as they got home YongSun went in for a nap. Byul was more than inclined to join her but she needed to get some photos prepared for her client. Babies were expensive, as she was now finding out, so Byul needed all the money she could get while she could get it. She had three hundred pictures to sift through and edit before the end of the week.
She maybe got ten pictures in before a very sleepy YongSun came shuffling into the living room. She stood in front of Byul rubbing her eyes, Byul was sitting on the sofa. "What's wrong baby, can't sleep?" YongSun shook her head, looking like a child. Byul set her laptop aside and patted her lap, an invitation for YongSun to sit. YongSun shuffled over and straddle Byul's lap. YongSun tucked her head into Byul's neck, using her shoulder as a pillow, her large baby bump resting against Byul's thin stomach. Byul began rubbing YongSun's back, her wife relaxed against her, breath dancing across Byul's collar bone. "Is that better?" She asked softly. YongSun nodded.
They sat there like that for a while. Byul just comforting YongSun, enjoying the feel of her wife in her arms. Finally YongSun lifted her head so she could look at Byul, she rested her hands on Byul's shoulders. Byul slipped her hands down YongSun's body to her lower back, keeping her close. "I thought that waitress was going to curse us." She said still sounding tired. He hands moved up to hold Byul's face.
Byul tilted her head, feeling the warmth of YongSun's skin on her's. "You caught that?"
YongSun rolled her eyes. "I am not that oblivious Byul-Ah, I was ignoring them." She rubbed her thumbs over Byul's cheeks. "I just wanted a nice day out with my wife." She leaned in and kissed Byul softly on the lips.
Byul tightened her grip of YongSun. "How about a nice night in?" She purred.
YongSun gave her a slow, lazy smile that set Byul's inside on fire. She let her hands wander up YongSun's shirt, feeling her soft skin under her fingertips. YongSun leaned into to Byul's neck again, her favourite spot. Byul tipped her head back, closing her eyes and continuing to run her hands over YongSun's soft back. YongSun nipped a spot on Byul's neck, causing her to let out a long moan. YongSun laughed evilly in Byul's ear. Byul removed her hands from YongSun's shirt so she could grab her face, pulling it to her's, kissing her lips. The kiss got so deep that Byul was pressing herself as far into the sofa as she could. YongSun's hands started wandering up Byul's shirt now, one hand cupping her breast and the other pressed into Byul's back as if she could get them any closer.
A knock on the door made them both jump. YongSun let out a growl that had Byul laughing. She slid YongSun off of her lap and onto the sofa. She dropped one more kiss on her lips. Byul adjusted her shirt and smoothed out her hair. YongSun sat as she was, arms crossed on the sofa looking pissed. Byul answered the door, WheeIn and HyeJin were standing on the other side, YooRa in HyeJin's arms. One look at Byul, then YongSun had HyeJin laughing. She looked over at WheeIn with a smile. "I think they forgot." She wiggled her eyebrows.
Byul could feel her face flush a bit, she had forgot, they were supposed to watch YooRa for them so they could have a night out. Once YongSun realized who was at the door, she was up and over to Byul's side, already reaching for YooRa.
"We didn't forget." Byul said grabbing the baby bag from WheeIn. "We just got... distracted."
HyeJin burst out laughing. "That is an understatement." She looked at YongSun's displaced shirt. "I'd say if we were a few minutes later there would be a lot less clothing on the both of you."
YongSun cuddled YooRa closer. "I'm sure it would have been longer than a few minutes." She responded. "But it would have been better if you gave us another hour."
Byul rolled her eyes. "Do you guys want to come in?"
WheeIn shook her head. "We have reservations."
The girls said their goodbyes. As soon as they closed the door YongSun promptly walked back to the sofa. She sat YooRa on her lap and began bouncing her, smiling as bright as the sun. Byul stood there for a moment, just watching her wife. Byul felt herself smile when she realized that YongSun was meant to be a mother, she couldn't picture her not as one, not anymore. The image of YongSun happily bouncing a child on her lap had Byul anticipating the arrival of their own daughter so she could see such a sight everyday. Byul pulled out her phone and snapped a picture, forever capturing the moment. YongSun looked up shocked, once she realized what Byul was doing she shook her head but patted the spot next to her. Byul crossed the room and put her arms around YongSun, getting a preview of her future.

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