Chapter Five

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Byul was in full on panic mode. To the point WheeIn had to step in and take charge. She assured them that they didn't have to speed their way to the hospital, not until YongSun started having contractions. They ended the party early anyway. WheeIn helped YongSun changed into different clothing, who also looked like she was on the verge of a panic attack. Byul tried her best to look as calm as possible for YongSun but she didn't think she was pulling it off well.

HyeJin took care of saying goodbye to the guests. By the time they came back out into the living room, HyeJin was lounging on the couch rocking YooRa gently in her arms. She looked up at them so calmly, but Byul remembered when WheeIn first went into labour, HyeJin was more over the top than Byul was acting now. Though she was glad for her friend's experience, it was making her feel a lot better about this. "I should take YooRa to your mother's WheeIn." She said getting up from the couch.

WheeIn nodded but YongSun panicked a bit. "She can't come with us?" She looked so sad.

WheeIn squeezed her shoulder. "I am sorry Unnie, they aren't going to let her stay with you, and besides we don't know how long this is going to take. HyeJin will get her when it is all done." YongSun nodded but still held her arms out for the sleeping baby.

HyeJin passed her over, taking the free moment to hug WheeIn and give her a kiss goodbye. YongSun snuggled her close and gave her a kiss on her head. Careful not to wake her, she passed her over to WheeIn for a quick goodbye. WheeIn gave her back to HyeJin and then started helping them collect their stuff for the hospital. Twenty minutes later, when YongSun's first contractions came, they headed for hospital.

YongSun sat on a hospital bed. Newly dressed in a hospital gown. To their surprise, when they arrived YongSun's contractions were coming more frequently and she was dilated enough to be admitted into a room. WheeIn was in the corner on her phone, probably texting her wife. Byul was standing in front of YongSun's bed, snapping random pictures with her phone, she wished she had brought her camera but YongSun forbid her from having it. "Byul-Ah." She said through clenched teeth. "If you don't put that phone away I am going to shove it so far up your..."

"Unnie!" WheeIn interjected. "She is just excited." She looked at Byul. "Though it is annoying Byul so put it away and comfort your wife." She scolded.

Byul did as she was told and put her phone away. She walked over to YongSun and started rubbing her back, not sure if she was helping at all. YongSun sucked in a large breath of air, another contraction hitting. "How is everything going in here?" Their doctor popped his head in the door.

"Just dandy." YongSun hissed.

He came over, Byul stepped back to give him room but held on to YongSun's hand, who was squeezing it so hard that Byul was convinced she was going to break it. He checked her charts, looked at some machines, Byul really didn't know what because she was not a doctor, and because the pain her hand was taking all of her attention. "Well Mrs. Kim, it seems like you are ready to push." He said it with a smile but Byul was sure YongSun was glaring at him. "Why don't we get you ready?" The doctor helped YongSun lay back down. He left momentarily to go get the nurses that were going to bring her down to the delivery room.

YongSun looked up at Byul, eyes wide with fright. "Byul-Ah, I'm scared."

Byul squeezed her hand, leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry I will be here the whole time." She wiped a bead of sweat off of her forehead.

"I'll be here waiting for you to get back." WheeIn said encouragingly, she wasn't allowed in the delivery room with them.

Byul nodded. "And very soon you will be able to hold our daughter." She kissed the YongSun's hand.

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