Chapter Four

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Byul reached out and smacked YongSun's hand away from the food plate she was preparing. They were both sitting at the dinner table, YongSun looking at Byul, bored, and Byul was arranging a series of finger foods in a creative fashion. "Unnie, no more snacks." She said moving the plate as far from YongSun's reach as she could. "They are for our guests." WheeIn and HyeJin were in their living room putting up decorations for the baby shower they were throwing YongSun.

YongSun crossed her arms and pouted. "But I am hungry." Byul shook her head. YongSun threw her hands up in the air. "Why do I even have to be here, aren't these things supposed to be a surprise?"

WheeIn snorted from where she was, hanging pink streamers. "It was remember." She pulled off a piece of tape and stuck a line of pink to the wall. "Until last week when you cried to Byul about how we forgot about you and she caved and told you." There was a pointed look at Byul, who shrugged, she hated seeing YongSun upset and she was genuinely concerned they forgot to throw her a shower.

YongSun pouted toward WheeIn. "I was having a bad day."

HyeJin shook her head. "No, your wife just gives in too easily." Again Byul shrugged. "Besides that is why we brought YooRa over, to keep you company." YooRa had fallen asleep no too long ago. HyeJin seemed to remember this and spun on YongSun. "Don't you dare wake her up." She knew YongSun all too well, she already had one foot on the floor in the direction of the room they laid her down in.

YongSun gave her a look. "Then what am I going to do?" There wasn't much she could do. She kept trying to eat all the snacks Byul was preparing and was forced by WheeIn to sit on the other side of the table when she kept distracting Byul with her lustful kisses.

WheeIn moved on to putting a table cloth down on their coffee table in the living room. "I'd suggest a nap but the last time I tried to wake you up from one you almost punched me." YongSun fell asleep on the couch WheeIn had in her studio.

YongSun waved her off. "That is because you shook me, it scared me." She tapped her fingers on the table. "Byul doesn't wake me up like that."

HyeJin fake covered her ears. "I don't want to know the details in which Byul wakes you up."

YongSun stuck out her tongue. "Why don't you go try to make room in the nursery for the gifts?" Byul tried to suggest, she figure YongSun was getting on the other girl's last nerves.

YongSun resumed her pouting. "It hasn't aired out enough yet, it still gives me a headache to go in there." As a surprise for YongSun, Byul asked WheeIn to paint the Disney princesses on the nursery walls. It was really hard to keep YongSun busy while WheeIn got it done, she almost spoiled that surprise as well. A whimper came from Byul and YongSun's room. "YooRa is up!" She called happily and jumped from her chair.

Byul could see WheeIn roll her eyes, the baby probably wasn't fully awake but she wasn't going to stop YongSun from going in there, especially if it meant YongSun had something to keep her interests now. YongSun appeared from their room with a sleepy YooRa in her arms. WheeIn kissed her daughter's head when YongSun passed her. Byul could see YooRa fidgeting to try and get to WheeIn but YongSun hastily turned away from her. Byul was trying not to laugh. YongSun sat them both on the floor and she started playing with YooRa's toys, Byul thinks that she likes them more than YooRa did but again, if it kept YongSun's attention she wasn't stopping her. She watched her wife play like child on the floor, shaking her head. At least now she could finish her task.

YongSun got to sit in a heavily decorated chair like the princess she was. WheeIn even made her a crown to sit atop her head as she unwrapped the gifts their friends brought over. Byul could tell YongSun was getting a bit tired as more and more gifts were passed her way, it was hard for her to make it through an entire day without napping a few times, she'd been up all day so far.

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