Prologue part 1 of 2

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(Your POV through thoughts)
Water...water is all I can see,all I can think and right now all I know how did this all happen well then let's go back to the beginning shall we
(Flashback time already)
Everything is happening to bloody fast, first sinclair becomes a big daddy,then delta bursts some pipes, then lamb blows up the tunnel with me,delta and Eleanor still inside and the next thing we know we are somehow on a submarine heading up to the surface all I can say now is............

That could have ended better

Delta: mph'h mphhh mph'hh mphhhh mphhh
(Don't worry we're almost there)
Y/n: mphh mph (hope so)
But as luck would have it something goes wrong...a large boulder comes and knocks you down

Delta & Eleanor: Y/N!!!

There was nothing that I could do now except fall into the abyss
(Flashback end)
We were almost there...almost free (sigh) but I guess that's how life rolls isn't it

But while luck has struck you down before it can help you back on your feet as by pure coincidence an explosion sends you soaring through the ocean into an wall but from there everything went blank

???:m...r bu...les
You slowly start to stir
???:mr bub..le..
Then you finally awake to see who was calling
Little sister:mr bubbles are you ok? the little one asks
All you do is pat her head and then start to take in your surroundings which all seemed unfamiliar all you could take from it was Fontaine futuristics signs,broken machines and corpses and surprisingly and working radio which has a unknown voice to it
???:hello there y/n the voice states
Tenabaum:I know you must have many questions but they must be left for another name is Bridget tenabaum and I see you have gotten ahold of another one of my little one's I should hope you take good care of her but enough introductions time for business

Tenabaum:around here is a prototype speech module for the big daddies that was scrapped from production by Andrew Ryan i would like you to have it as I would like you to be able to communicate properly with the little one I shall speak to your more then

Needless to say you were surprised but decided to head on your way with a new companion and the power of plasmids,weapons and determination on your side nothing can stop you now

That's part 1 of the prologue finally done people but even thought I just made a voting part I still have two things to ask from you

One- do you want atlas to be separate from Fontaine (a good version of atlas basically)
Two-a name for your little sister if i don't get any suggestions by the 2nd main part of the story then I will just think of one myself
Tell me want you want to see or to be added in future chapters
As I'm still waiting on other harem additions (my dumbass forgot a few most important one cough cough kuroka cough cough)
Anywho blw204 signing out for now

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