First Day Back

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I slowly opened my eyes and felt a cool breeze coming from the window. I was surprised when I saw how neat my hospital room was, plus I was the only one in the room. As I looked around the room, I saw that my room was flooded with presents, balloons and stuffed toys. I slowly got out of bed and reached for the Keroro doll. " This has to be from fatty." I said to myself with a smile. I walked towards the window while hugging Keroro. The sun is so warm. I feel like today is going to be a good day. As I felt the nice warm breeze on my face, something felt a little off. My head felt too light. I walked to the bathroom and saw that my hair was short. It must have gotten burned off 2 years ago.

I put on my school uniform that was next to my bed and asked the nurse for a big bag to put all of my presents in. After dropping them off at my house, I decided to go to school,  because it was still early.

My teacher handed me my schedule and I wandered around campus. Since I was in advance classes for my 1st year, they gave me all the advance classes that seniors take.

When the bell rang and everyone went to class, my homeroom teacher told me to wait outside the classroom. " Okay class, we have a new student. Many of you may know her from your 1st year. Please come in." he announced. As I walked in, I looked at the class and saw that it was full of the people I had my 1st year. " Yuna?" Hyorin asked. " YUNA!?" the rested yelled. Hyorin ran up to hug me and asked me a bunch of questions. The teacher hit her head with his clipboard, " Hyorin, go sit down. And Yuna, your seat is right next to Kim Minseok in the back." As I sat in my seat, and the teacher began talking. I just stared at Minseok the whole time with a smile on my face. He crumpled up a small piece of paper and flicked it at me, " Pay attention, stupid.".

When the bell for lunch rang and the teacher dismissed us, I immediately jumped on Minseok. " I want a hug too!!" Hyorin pouted. As I hugged and laughed with everyone, Minseok left the classroom. I wonder what happened?

After school I went strait home. Usually I go home with Minseok but he didn't seem to be in a good mood today. When I got in front of my house I saw the lights on. I quickly ran in the house to make sure it wasn't a burglar. " Welcome back!!!" Minseok and 11 other handsome guys yelled. I stood there silently and then awkwardly walked to Minseok and asked, " Who are these people?". Minseok just laughed, and then answered, " They're the people who came to visit you yesterday". " Let us introduce ourselves" one of them said.

Wu Yifan ( or Kris ) was the tallest out of all of them, he looked like a professional basketball player, plus he was very handsome. Kim Joonmyun ( or Suho ) looked very mature and calm. Luhan is very beautiful, he's so beautiful that I actually saw him as a girl at first. Tao was also tall like Kris, he had dark circles under his eyes, but he said that he was born with them. Kim Jongin, but he prefers to be called Kai, is a very good dancer and he seems to be very good looking, but childish. D.O or Do Kyungsoo was not as tall as the others, but he had beautiful heart shaped lips. Zhang Yixing or Lay, had very deep dimples and seems very quiet but polite. Kim Jongdae or Chen, had a very muscular facial structure. Byun Baekhyun seemed like the most childish one and had a rectangular smile. Park Chanyeol, who was the second tallest out of all of them, had a very cute face BUT his voice was SUPER deep. And finally, Sehun who was surprisingly the youngest out of all of them.

" Whoa, so we're older than all of them!?" I asked. Minseok laughed and put his hand on her shoulder, Well, at least I  am, Kris and Luhan are older than you". While looking at all of them including Minseok, I looked away to where none of them were standing because they were all too good looking. " Hey!! Minseok I brought it just as I promised!! " Hyorin yelled while slamming the door open. She walked in carrying a cake. I silently grabbed her shirt and asked, " what flavor?". " Marble, with strawberries in the middle." she whispered. I quickly grabbed the cake and put it on the table. " Well what are all of you waiting for!? Help me cook! Don't worry, my kitchen is very large." I yelled while jumping around.

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