Little boys

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I followed the couple into "their" new house as their little boy ran through me into the doorway. The mom was pregnant and the dad carried boxes inside. "Joy, do you think we should bring in the table and some chairs to sit in?" Said the dad as I watched him through the window, pulling out the foldable chairs from the trunk. "Sure." She yelled from inside the house. "Simon, be careful. Bryan is running all over the house." "Yah, I know." Simon replied. I slowly walked towards the window where Joy was Bryan up stairs to see his new room. He came from the room under the stairs that led to the basement. From the side of the stairs, you can see every single thing of downstairs. The boy looked straight at me. Joy already climbed up the stairs and kept calling for her son. Bryan stared at me with his blue eyes, like he could see me. "Mommy?" Bryan started to walk towards me slowly. He brought up his hand as if he was reaching to touch me. I squatted down and felt compelled to touch him. The wind was whipping, blowing his curls every which way. "Bryan? What are you doing, buddy?" Simon said as he came through the doorway, holding all the chairs he could. Simon tilted his head to the side. "I'm about to touch this girl." Bryan answered innocently. "Bryan, I've been calling your name forever. Why didn't you come when I called you?" Joy came rushing down the stairs. "Joy, it happened again. He's saying he saw that girl again." Simon butted in. Joy stepped back, away from her son. "Hi. My name is Bryan Miller." The little boy said, sticking his hand out for me to shake. I stared blankly at the boy. I didn't even know if I could talk back. "H-hey, Bryan." I hesitantly grabbed his hand. It was soft and warm. I instantly felt like I was talking to an old friend. "I'm Claire." My voice was like a strange whisper. "Claire, I'm gonna go play trucks in my room. Wanna play?" Bryan smiled beams of happiness. His parents gave each other nervous looks,"Sure." I don't know how exactly to answer. Bryan squealed and ran upstairs for me to follow.
Simons point of view
A day earlier
"I don't want to live here anymore! It's too small. We need a bigger place." She yelled at me in our bedroom. I walked out of the room. I couldn't continue arguing with her. I opened the front door and stood on the front porch of our tiny apartment. I let the warm air surround me as I ran my fingers though my hair. I understood why we needed a bigger place and she had been already house hunting. She found this little farm house a couple of hours away from here. I wasn't sure about it. I heard the door behind me creak open. Joy's arms wrapped around my shoulders. "I'm sorry...I just want to have a better place for the kids. This place scares me. Especially with people being shot in the alley ways. Please, Simon. Can we move. I know you'll like it." Her voice was so sweet and apologetic, it would be impossible to tell her no. "Ok, I still have two weeks off of work. I guess we will start moving tomorrow." I turned around and hugged her as she squealed with happiness. "Really?! Oh, I don't know what I was worried about. Trust me, you'll love it!" She started to ramble while her voice gotten louder. "Shhhh, you will wake up Bryan." I chuckled. She covered her mouth and grabbed my hand, pulling me inside. I crawled into bed while Joy snuggled up to me. In the dark, I could hear Joy slowly breathing and see the outline of her bulging stomach. Everything was perfect. I never wanted it to end.
I woke up the next day with the smell of bacon filling my nostrils. I mozied on into the small kitchen while Bryan was sitting in his chair hyper as ever. "Morning, sweetie. How'd you sleep?" Joy asked while the eggs and bacon sizzled in the frying pan. "I can't answer questions. I just woke up." I answered while she kinda giggled. "Daddy! Daddy! Mommy said we were moving in a big house!" Bryan's high pitched voice came from the other side of the room. "Yeah, you're gonna get your own room and everything...until the baby comes." I tried answering in the same enthusiasm. Later on, we got dressed, packed some boxes and headed towards our new house.
I pulled up into the driveway. It was a big, nice house, Joy wasn't wrong about that. "Daddy? Who's that girl?" Bryan said as he pointed towards some trees. "Baby, there's no one there." Joy, confused, replied. "Yes, there is. Look." Bryan proceeded to carry on. "Bryan, there's nobody there now drop it." Joy said getting angry. "Darling, I'm sure it's fine if he has imaginary friends." I said, trying to help the little guy out. She gave me the death glare. Then she got out of the car and started to grab boxes from the trunk.

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