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Claire's POV :
Bryan already was setting up the cars he had brought with him upstairs. The thumping of his feet was a a clear indication. I slowly walked up to the start of the stairs. I didn't like it. Something was bad up there and I didn't want to find out what exactly. "Claire? Are you coming?" Bryan's voice echoed against the walls as he rushed down the stairs. He looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes, pleading. "Yeah, I'm just scared that's all." I answered as I hid behind my hair. He grabbed my hand and whispered, "Here. I'll protect you." I was speechless at this six year old boy. He led me up the stairs into his room. My brother's room. I stopped at the doorway. The room was empty like the rest of the house but this was different. Even when I was alive, I didn't go in there. My dad left it how Rick had it last. My dad eventually had passed away, giving me the house. I never changed the room either. In fact, I closed the door. Now Bryan was confused and inspected me in the doorway. "What's wrong, Claire?" He tilted his head. "Nothing, just remembered something. I'm fine." I replied. I looked down at him as he smiled like the Cheshire Cat. "This is my room. MY power is stronger in here." Bryan began to say in a voice unlike his own. This was demonic, creepy, and most of all terrifyingly like every nightmare you ever had came true that instant from the fear it gave me. "You're so weak, Claire. And so naive, but that's ok. It just helps me. See ya later." Then one of Bryan's little cars was picked up and launched itself at me. I ducked while Bryan fell to the ground making a big thud. Then the world started to get blurry and darker. My legs started to give out and I fell to the ground. I tried getting myself up but I felt like something was pushing me down, pinning me to the ground. Then my head got picked up and was slammed against the hardwood floor. A crack came from the wood, while my head was in agony along with my body. I gave in to the pain and went into a deep sleep.
Simon's POV:
Bryan just asked his 'friend' to play cars with him. Joy sat down in one of the chair I brought in and started biting her nails nervously. "Baby, what's wrong?" She looked up at me while her blonde hair covered her face. "Don't you think it's strange that he has a imaginary friend just out of the blue? I do." She stood up with concern written all over her face. I furrowed my eyebrows. Bryan came running down the stairs and talked to his friend. Then ran up the stairs again holding his hand out. "He's six, Joy. He doesn't make friends at school, he's trying to makeup for it." I placed my hand on her shoulder and gave her a small smile. Then I heard a voice. It sent chills down my spine. Joy's eyes widened. 'Someone's in the house.' Joy mouthed to me. I ran out to the car and grabbed my pistol from the glove compartment. As soon as I got inside, a big thump came from upstairs. I bolted upstairs as I saw my little boy pass out onto the floor. "Bryan?" I threw the gun on the ground and picked up his limp body off the floor. I leaned over his mouth and felt his warm breath against my ear. "Joy, we have to go to the hospital! It's Bryan!" I yelled. I heard the keys scrape off the table and the door slam. I walked out of the room and halfway down the stairs, a large crack was made in the floor before the doorway of Bryan's room. 'What the hell' The car horn honked before I could do anything further. I had Bryan over my shoulder and opened the door with my free arm. Bryan's car scooted along the floor. 'That wasn't there before...' "Come on, Simon!" Joy yelled from the window. I scurried out the door.
Back to Clair's POV
I woke up feeling the pain rush back to my head and back. The house was dark and I was still in front of Bryan's room. I stood up, the crack was big from my head. Bryan was no longer on the floor and I noticed just exactly how silent it was. I jogged down the stairs to the nearest window. Their car was gone. One of Bryan's cars was on the floor. I figured that it was the one that was thrown at me. 'What was that' I held my head, wondering where did everyone go. I picked up Bryan's car,surprisingly, and I'm suddenly staring at a blank white wall. "Doc, like we said. All we know is that we heard something up stairs and when we ran up there, he was on the floor." Joy explained frantically, making hand gestures. "Well he's going to be able to go home after tonight just for observation." The doctor walked out of the room. "Mommy? Claire is here." He said as he sleepily smiled. Joy just gripped his hand tighter while she nervously looked at Simon.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2014 ⏰

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