Chapter III

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*Molly's P.O.V*
I watched as Rori fell asleep comfortably on her bed. It kind of scared me seeing her like that considering I've never seen her do that to anyone. I guess Scarlett was just different.
"I have never seen her do that to anybody. However, you did kind of deserve it, so have fun with an angry archer on your a** 24/7," I say to Scarlett. I could hear a chuckle coming from Julian.
"If you two don't mind, I am going to bed like AJ is," I say as I grab my scrunchie off my wrist and pull my hair into a lazy messy bun.
"I guess I will just take the couch then," Scarlett says as she walks over and sits down on the firm hotel couch.
"Well, I will let you all get your rest, we will leave around five or six in the morning so be ready to go by then," Julian says as he walks out the door. I walk up to my bed, grab ahold of my cozy blanket, and lay on top of the covers.

*Julian's P.O.V*
As I closed the girl's room door, I started to think about how Nylla was doing, she should be headed towards the capital as well. I just hope her trip is going better than ours, and I sure hope no guy tries to hit on her. I pull my phone out from my back pocket and opened up my phone. I texted Nylla to check up on her. I walked down the elongated hallway and started looking for my room number, 1004.
As I neared my room, I got the room key out from my back pocket. I insert the key into the slot, the door to the room unlocked, and I push open the door. I enter the room and let out a sigh of relief. I took my shoes off and I felt more than happy to finally be here. I never thought once in my entire life, that I would be responsible for three girls getting to the Capital. I walk over to the couch in front of the TV stand and sat down.
I grabbed the remote from the side table on my left side. I turned on the TV half expecting the Capital news to be on, but to my surprise, it was one of my favorite movies, The Outsiders. I grabbed the blanket from off the bed behind me, covered my legs, sat back and relaxed.
It wasn't until I was halfway into the movie, I had a panicked knock on my door. I pulled the blanket off of me and walked to the door. I looked through the peephole to check who it was....It was Aurora. She had tears streaming down her face, her entire body was shaking and her bandage had blood spilling out from underneath it. I almost immediately open the door and let her in. Her choked back sobs made my heartache, seeing people like this made me want to find who did this to them and repay the favor, but in this case, I wouldn't.
I pulled Aurora into an embrace and let her tears soak my shirt, she was in pain. And she wanted it to stop. I pull her back, wiped her tears and helped her come sit down on the couch. I went to the hotel room's closet and grabbed the first aid from the top shelf. I opened the first aid kit and searched for some better and newer bandages. Once I found some, I threw the kit to the side and went to her. I knelt and looked into her hazel eyes.
"I am so sorry if this hurts," I say. I found the end of the old bandage and started to unravel it. It took a few minutes to get all of the bandage off, but once I did, I could tell why she was in so much pain, her wound had bruised. I put the new bandages on and had her sit up while I went to go get her something cold to put on her wound. I ran out of the room and searched the halls for an ice machine.
As soon as I found the ice machine a few halls away from my room, I quickly grab a bag, opened it and pushed the button for the ice. When the ice started to fill up the bag, I started to wonder what had happened to Aurora that caused her to get up and come to my room crying in pain. I pushed back that thought, tied the bag closed, and hurried back to my room. When I got back to the room, I saw Aurora sleeping on the couch, holding her side.
I walk up to her and gently lift her hand and place an ice bag on her bruised cut. I walked back over to the closet and grabbed the softest blanket I could find. I spread the blanket out over Aurora. This girl has me wrapped around her finger and I only just met her mere hours ago. I went over to the hotel bed, took off my jacket I had on and set it to the side. I pulled the covers to the bed back and got underneath the covers.
*Aurora's P.O.V*
I woke up in a regular hotel room, the pain in my side had subsided. I sit up and look around to see where I was at. I saw somebody laying on the hotel bed, it was Julian. I hustled to get up and placed down the ice pack on the couch. I try to move quietly towards the door without waking Julian. As I walked out of his room, I raced towards my room. I didn't want anybody in the room to notice I was gone. By the time I would get back to the room, Molly would be tucked into her blankets. While Scarlett, I don't know her well enough to know if she'd be asleep.
I neared the door to our room, the door stopper cracked the door open. I slid into the room trying not to make any noise. I walked towards the bathroom and went in. I shut the door behind me, I walked in front of the mirror. I lifted up my shirt to reveal the deep gash I had in my side. It was stitched, but blood was still spilling out.
"You should probably get gauze and wrap that up, wouldn't want it to get it infected." a voice says from the doorway of the bathroom. I looked up to see who the voice was. Scarlett.
"Why do you care? To you I'm just competition." I reply back to her as I grab a tissue and wet it. I dabbed the blood away as it spilled out.
"Your not wrong, but I like my competition to be in good health. So when we fight, it's a fair fight." Scarlett says back as she walks towards me. She moves her hand towards my gash, I flinch at her movement.
"Let me, I'm not as bad as a person as you think I am." she insists. She lightly goes over the stab wound with her fingers. She moves back motioning me to stay put. As she walks out of the bathroom, I try and get up on the counter to sit. I got up on the counter and kept the pressure on my wound. As I did so, Scarlett comes back with a first aid kit. She quietly closes the door behind her. She walks up to me and looks at me with a concerned look on her face.
"The stitches are sloppy, I'm going to have to take these ones out and redo them. So, uhm just stay still." She says as she gets out the new stitches. She unties my old stitches and lightly pulled on them, I wince at the excruciating pain.
She takes out the old stitches and throws them in the trash underneath the sink. She grabs the new thread and starts to stitch up my stab wound. As she stitched me back up, I sat back trying to help give her a steadier surface. As she finishes stitching me up she held in one hand the thread to my stitches, in the other she grabbed gauze out of the first aid kit. She sat down the gauze and tied off my stitches and cut the excess off with scissors. She grabbed the gauze and started wrapping me up. Once she got done wrapping gauze around me, she grabbed for the tape to secure the gauze down. When she finished, I sat up and got off the counter.
"Thanks for that I guess." I say as I walk towards the door. I thought at first she'd say something back, but she stayed silent as I walked out of the bedroom. I walked towards my bed and got under the covers when I did.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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