Chapter I

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I sat on the living room couch anticipating my scores from the final judgment from the Council. The moment I look in the envelope would change the course of my life forever. I heard the front door creak open as someone entered the house. I turn around anxiously, expecting it to be Molly holding her envelope in her hand, it was a mother.
"Hello, dear how was the final?" the mother asks.
"Still waiting for the envelope with the scores," I reply as I turn back around and slouch on the couch. I feel my leg start to shake, I tried to get it to stop but my anxiety levels were high. Mother walks to the kitchen and sat down getting her laptop out in the process.
"Aurora, have you taken your anxiety medication today?" the mother asks from the kitchen.
"Yes mother," I lie. I hated taking that pill, it turns me into someone I'm not.
"Did Molly already stop by with her results yet?" the mother asks as though it was an interrogation. I pulled a soft cotton knitted blanket and covered myself with it.
"No mother, she hasn't," I say getting irritated.
"Aurora-Jane Mia Jones!" mother yells as she gets up from her chair and enters the living room once more. I lifted the cotton blanket off me and stood in front of my mother.
"What?" I say with a bit of sarcasm in my tone.
People over the years have told me that I was the opposite of her, even though we're nearly identical. Same long silky midnight black hair and same petite features. Except for the few features I had that were my father's, made one huge difference; I had my father's forest green eye, rosy cheeks, and the same olive complexion. I had neither of their personality traits. I was my own person.
"Little girl I can have you thrown out of this here house, and I can do with you as I please, so I suggest you lose your attitude with me," the mother says getting in front of me giving me her signature cold blank stare.
"Why haven't you yet?" I ask as I cross my arms and give her a stern look.
"Watch it and I just might," the mother responds as she crosses her arms.
"You guys might want to stop arguing and start getting excited because the envelopes just came in," Molly says as she enters the house as she takes off her shoes. I look over at her and she was waving the envelopes in the air.
"Molly! Don't just stand there give me mine!" I say as I run-up to her.
"Well here, take it then you anxious little dork," Molly says holding out the thing that'd determine my score and the rest of my life.
"Go on.... Open it, I'll do it with you," Molly insists. I take the envelope anxiously and carefully open it up. My anxiety levels were through the roof, I could feel my leg shaking as I pulled out the piece of paper and threw the envelope to the side. Molly and I both gave each other concerning glances one more time before we opened the paper that could possibly separate us for the rest of our lives. I lifted the top of the paper and unfolded the bottom. I slowly opened the letter and began to read it in my head.
Ms. Jones,
We were in awe of how your scores turned out. You are the type of person we rarely see in this society anymore. We saw not only your instincts but your true potential. We would like you to train with the most highly skilled trained fighters in the district. We will provide you with money, food, and clothing for the journey. We hope we will see you soon Ms. Jones. We're glad to have you joining our Council of the Gifted.

James Karter, C.E.O of the Council of the Gifted

I got in... I got into the advancement I was hoping for. I look over at Molly and she was beaming with happiness. I'm guessing she got into the position she wanted.
"I got the advancement I wanted!" I say with excitement.
"What advancement is that?" the mother asks.
"I get to train with the most highly skilled fighters in the district," I say looking back down at the letter.
"Really, they said my martial arts skills were through the roof and needed me to train with the higher level to advance," Molly says.
"Well I suggest you two better get to packing, you both know the escort rides will be here soon!" mother suggests. Molly and I look at each other, she bolts upstairs to her room and I run to mine. I grabbed my traveling suitcase and started packing all my clothing items in it.
Although they say they'll provide everything essential to the journey, I'm packing all my electronic necessities including my MacBook charger, MacBook, my iPhone charger, my iPhone X, my rose gold wireless beats, and my beats charger. I put all my chargers and electronics in a separate messenger bag, then I folded up my soft black blanket, and my maroon neck pillow. I was set to go.  I was ready to get out of this compacted living space.
I stepped back and looked at the empty living space, I only had my punching bag in the corner of my room, my bed, and my dresser. Everything else was packed inside my messenger bag and traveling suitcase. I grab my wireless headphones, my phone and link them up and start listening to music.  As Highway to Hell started to play, I walked across the hall to Molly's room to see how she was doing with her packing. As I pushed her bedroom door open, I saw her room nearly empty, all her clothes, Knick knacks were in her suitcase and backpack. Her Chromebook, Chromebook charger, iPhone and phone charger were seemingly in her backpack as well. Her old school headphones were on her shoulders.
"You about ready yet?" I ask as I lean up against her doorway.
"No, I still have to get my blanket folded and my neck pillow packed. How'd you do this so quickly? Molly asks.
"I don't need that much to make it through a trip, however for you, you look like you need a ton of things to make it through a trip. It's only a four-day trip there. Molly, we'll be together, we're going to be riding in the same vehicles. So, try to take some stuff out and then you'll be good," I say as I walk in her room and pat her shoulder.
"Aurora, please, help me pack, the escort will be here soon," Molly pleads.
"Fine, let me just put my stuff downstairs by the front door," I say as I walk back to my room. I grabbed my traveling suitcase and my messenger bag, I headed downstairs to place my suitcase and bag near the door when I heard sobbing come from Molly's room. I quickly sat my bags down then ran back up the stairs. I opened Molly's bedroom door, there she sat on her bed, her hand covering her mouth as she choked back the sobs. I walked up and squatted in front of her.
"Molly, what's wrong? What happened? Did you drop your phone again?" I ask. She chuckles.
"No, it's just that, what if I'm not good enough?" Molly asks as tears streamed down her face.
"Molls, you're an amazing martial arts fighter, they'd be honored to have you, if not then they'll seriously be missing out," I say as I sat next to her. I put my arm around her, and she lays her head on my shoulder. I've known this girl all my life and still, she doubts herself.
"Thanks, Aurora, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have a best friend like you," Molly replies as she wipes away her tears.
"Now, let's get to packing the rest of your clothes," I say as I stand up and start packing up her clothes in her traveling suitcase. She got up and started packing the rest of her technology in her backpack. After 15 minutes, it seemed like I got all her clothes in the suitcase.
"Why do you have so many clothes Molls?" I ask as I try and stuff the last plaid shirt into the bag.
"I need to stay trendy," Molly replies.
"I think that's everything," I say as I zip up the suitcase and stand up.
"I think so," Molly says as she zips up her backpack.
"GIRLS! THE ESCORTS HERE!" mother yells from downstairs.
"Grab your fluffy blanket and let's go, I'll meet you downstairs," I say as I run out of her room and rush down the stairs. As I got downstairs, I grabbed my messenger bag and grabbed ahold of my blanket and traveling suitcase. I looked over at my mom. She had tears in her eyes.
"I'm so proud of you. Your father would be so proud of you to honey," the mother says as she walks up to me and gives me a tight hug.
"Here are your meds," the mother says as she places my prescribed anxiety medicine in my messenger bag.
"I love you mother," I say one last time. Molly finally came running down the stairs with all her bags and blanket in her hands.
"Bye Mrs. Jones, thank you so much for taking care of me all these years," Molly says to mother. The mother nods her head.
"Go you two, they'll leave without you, "mother suggests as she pushed us towards the door. I open the door and walk out into the cool autumn breeze. I felt the cool breeze brush against my face and blow my hair behind me. I noticed a black Jeep parked in the front of the house. I looked at Molly and smirked. We walked up to the car and opened the car doors. I noticed a man sitting in the front seat. He had a fair complexion, thick curly brown hair, and pale brown eyes. He seemed to have a strong muscular toned body by the looks of his posture.
"Ms. Jones? Ms. Vincent, please allow me to get your bags," the escort says as he gets out of the car. He walked around and grabbed Molly and I's suitcases. He opened the trunk and gently placed the suitcases down. Molly and I got into the car and placed our bags at our feet and sat our blankets on our laps. We both buckled up and waited for the escort to get back in the car. I turned the volume up to my music, Wanted Dead or Alive started to play. Molly looked over at me and rolled her eyes.
"Don't even Molls," I say as the escort got back into the car.
All I could hear was the soft muffles of the voices of Molly and the escort. I started paying attention to the music I was playing. It was only a few minutes into the journey when Molly gently tapped my shoulder. I took off my headphones.
"Yea, what's up Molls?" I ask as I set my headphones on my neck.
"This is Julian Lowland," Molly says introducing me to our escort. I looked in the driver's rear-view mirror. He glanced back at me.
"Hello," I say shyly.
"Hello, Mrs. Jones," Julian says.
"You can call me Aurora, Mrs. Jones is my mother," I say.
"Ok, nice to meet you Aurora," Julian says with a grin.
"Nice to meet you to Julian, now if you excuse me, I'm going to take a nap," I say. I take the spare hair tie off my wrist and pulled my hair up in a neat high ponytail. I place my headphones back on my head. I unfolded my blanket and put my legs up on Molly's lap. I spread the blanket out on me, put my maroon neck pillow on, got comfortable and drifted off to sleep.
I was surrounded by blackness, I tried walking forward, but I didn't know which direction was straight. I started to hear a faint voice in the distance. I tried to run towards the voice, it just kept getting farther and farther away. Until I felt a presence behind me. I slowly turned around, preparing myself for whatever was behind me. When I fully turned around, a stalky yet bulky looking man stood in front of me. He had forest green eyes, rosy cheeks, wavy brown hair and a devilish smirk spread across his face. The man seemed familiar. I placed my hand on his shoulder and his face almost immediately shaped into a demon-like monster. I pull my hand back.
"We are coming," the man/monster says.  I backed up and started running away from him.
"Aurora!" a voice echo.
"AURORA!" the voice echoes again.
I sat up and started gasping for air, it was all a dream. The man wasn't there. I wiped my forehead, I was drenched in cold sweat.
"Aurora, you okay?" Molly asks as she places her hand on my shoulder. I look up at her, the look in her eyes was concerning.
"I'm fine, I just need a change of clothes. These yoga pants and sweatshirts are making me a bit uncomfortable," I say.
"I'll find a nice place to stay for the night, maybe with a nice pool too," Julian suggests.
"Thank you, Julian that'd be nice," I reply. I fold my blanket and place it back on my lap. I take off my headphones, turn them off and placed them in my messenger bag. I take my hair tie out of my hair and neatly re-did the ponytail. I pulled my phone out of my sweatshirt pocket, I had a dozen text notifications from mother. She is so worrisome sometimes. I put in my password and reply to her, telling her we're going to be stopping at a nice hotel for the night and that I was fine.
I sat up straight, put my legs in front of me and looked out the window. I noticed the dark purplish-blue skies. I've never seen this part of Kansas. I've only known my small hometown of Lakewood. I could never even see the sky as a kid, the atmosphere was so polluted with the smoke from the cars. I always wanted to see Kansas' midnight sky. The colors of the sunset are mesmerizing. 
"We're here, it's the best Marriott hotel, it has a nice pool, and luxury suite," Julian says. I look out Molly's window and saw a huge luxurious hotel, it looked like an ancient Greek chapel, except more modern. I was in utter shock; the council went through all this trouble just to get Molly and me a nice hotel.
As Julian pulled into the parking lot of the Marriott, I started to gather up my blanket, put my phone in my messenger bag, and unbuckled my seatbelt. Molly did the exact same, she looked more exhausted than I was. Julian dropped us both off at the entrance, he also got out of the car and helped get our suitcases. As he handed me my suitcase, I had to wait for Molly to gather all her bags and blanket together. A few minutes went by and Molly had finally had her suitcase, backpack and her blanket all gathered together.
"You girls can head on in, tell the front desk it's for the council," Julian says as he gets back in the car to park the car. I nod. I walked toward the entrance and pushed open the door, holding it open for Molly to get in. As we both entered the hotel lobby, Molly and I both looked at each other, we knew this is not what was typically used to. I slowly walked my way to the front desk.
"Hello, how may I help you today?" the woman asked. I name tag read 'Louisa', she seemed like the type of person you'd become friends with over time.
"Uhm, is there rooms reserved for the council," I say as I place my luggage next to me.
"Oh, uhm there's actually a luxury suite with two king-size beds with a balcony and a hot tub, but there are no separate rooms," Louisa adds.
"Uhm, I'm so sorry Louisa, that's what she meant, I'll just take a normal suite like usual," Julian says to Louisa.
"Oh, I apologize, my mistake, here's the room key, and there is a pool down the hall from the elevators, and your room is on the top floor, it's room 1000, have a nice stay," Louisa says as she hands me the room key. I take hold of the room key and look back behind me to see what Molly was doing, she was sitting down on her suitcase, waiting for me to get the key.  I motion for her to follow me and she got up and started to follow me to the elevators.
The elevators were down the hall from the lobby. Once we got to the elevators, I pressed the button with the black arrow going up. As the elevator doors slid open, they revealed a marble floor and mirror walls. I stepped inside the elevator with Molly and I pressed the diamond-studded number 10 button.
"This is no elevator," I say chuckling.
"No kidding, this place was built for gods, not us," Molly says as she nudges my arm. A few minutes had passed and soon enough we were on the tenth floor. I looked at the room key again, it was room 1000. I searched for the sign that told me which way my room was, but I just saw the big lettering telling me and Molly to go right, our room was to the right.
I go in the direction the arrow told me to and soon enough we arrived at our room. I unlocked the door with the key and pushed it open.
"Molly... we aren't in Lakewood anymore," I say as I step into the luxury suite.
" awesome," Molly says as she enters the room and stands beside me.
"I'm going to set my stuff down then I'm putting on a bathing suit to take a dip in the pool," I say as I walk to the king-size bed closest to the balcony. I sat my luggage next to the nightstand and unzipped my suitcase, grab my bathing suit and zip my suitcase back up. I walk to the bathroom, close the door and lock the door. I slip off my clothes I was wearing and put on my Victoria Secret maroon two-pieces. As I got on my bathing suit, I took my hair out of a ponytail. I pulled my hair back up into a messy bun.
I unlocked the bathroom door, picked up my clothes, and walked back into the room to find Molly was in her pajamas, laying on her bed on her phone. I walked over to my suitcase and placed my dirty clothes on top of it. In the corner of my eye, I could see Molly look up from her phone.
"Damn Aurora, who you going to see?" Molly exclaims.
"No one, I'm taking a dip in the pool downstairs for a while," I say as I grab my phone, grab a spare room key, a towel and I was out the door. As I was walking to the elevator, I got a text message from mother. She was wondering if we made it to our first stop. I texted her back, as soon as the text sent, I arrived at the elevator. I pushed the down arrow button, the doors slid open and I stepped inside.

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