Doing Grace's Podcast With Nic

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You were eating breakfast when you got a Face Time call from your soon to be boyfriend Nic.


Y/N: Hello handsome.

Nic: Hello beautiful. I have a question to ask you.

Y/N: And what might that be?

Nic: Would you like to come and do Grace's Not Too Deep Podcast with me gorgeous?

Y/N: I would absolutely love to do it with you.

Nic: Ok well I'm about to leave my apartment I'll be there in a second.

Y/N: Ok.

You then heard a knock at the door. You already knew who it was. You threw away your breakfast and turned off your tv and grabbed your phone and then you opened the door. You went up to him and put your arms around his neck and he put his strong arms around your waist.

Nic: Hey gorgeous.

He pecked you on the lips.

Y/N: Hey handsome.

You pecked him on the lips.

Nic: You ready to go beautiful?

Y/N: Yeah.

He took you by the hand and took you to the waiting car. When you got to the car he opened the door for you and you got in first and then he got in behind you and shut the door behind him.

Driver: Hello sir.

Nic: Hello mate.

Driver: Whose your friend?

Nic: This is Y/N.

Driver: Nice to meet you ma'am.

Y/N: Nice to meet you sir.

You and Nic took pics of the both of you in the back of the car and before you knew it you had arrived.

Driver: Here you are guys.

Nic: Thanks mate.

He opened the door and got out and then he helped you out of the car and closed the door and you guys made your way to the front door of the building. When you made it to the room where he will be doing a podcast he knocked on the door.

Camera man: Come in!

Nic: Hey mate.

Camera man: Hi are you looking for someone?

Nic: Yes I'm here to do a podcast with Grace.

Camera man: Yes she was expecting you. Grace your guest is here!

Grace: Nic so nice to finally meet you.

Nic: Nice to meet you too.

Grace: Who did you bring with you?

Nic: This is Y/N.

Grace: Nice to meet you.

Y/N: Nice to meet you.

Grace: Would you like to do the podcast with us?

Y/N: Oh I couldn't oppose.

Grace: Come on Y/N I'd love to have you.

Y/N: Oh no I couldn't-.

Nic: Please Y/N for me?

Y/N: Ok I'll do it.

They smiled and then you all got situated and it was time to start the podcast. You introduced yourself as well as Nic and you guys started talking. You joined in when you were asked and you had a lot of fun. Then it finally got down to the twitter questions and the last and final question wasn't a twitter question and that's what caught you off guard.

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