Celebrating Baby Joshua's 1st Birthday

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You had just put Joshua into his crib and you had left his room and went to go sit back down next to Nic.

Nic: He turns one tomorrow.

Y/N: I know.

Nic: What are we doing for tomorrow?

Y/N: It's up to you I mean you did help make him.

Nic: I was think why don't we all match. Like when he greets friends and family and then when it's time for cake we put him in some swim trunks and I'll get get the cake off of him.

Y/N: Nic I don't know...

Nic: Oh come on it'll be cool. He won't even remember this birthday anyways. Please?

Y/N: Ok. But if he gets injured I blame you.

Nic: That's cool. Now how about we go get those outfits.

Y/N: We can't leave him in the house alone.

Nic: Yes we can.

Y/N: Whose gonna watch him?

*Doorbell rings*

Nic: I had texted my mum and she said that she would watch him while we went out and did last minute stuff for tomorrow.

Mrs. Hamilton: Nic, Y/N I'm here.

Nic: In the living room mum.

Mrs. Hamilton: Hey you guys.

Nic, Y/N: Hi.

Nic: You ready to go Y/N?

Y/N: I don't know... maybe we should stay...

Mrs. Hamilton: *Puts her hand on your shoulder* My dearest Y/N you've worked so hard for this little boy to make sure he grew up healthy big and strong and Nic is right. You need a night out. You guys go ahead and have a night out. I'll be here. Don't worry he's in good hands Y/N. I promise.

Y/N: *Sighs reassuringly* Ok thank you so much. You already know where everything is just help yourself.

Mrs. Hamilton: Bye guys!

Nic, Y/N: Bye.

Nic's POV: I had planned tonight just for Y/N but she doesn't know that I have something huge planned for her tomorrow. Joshua turns one tomorrow and I thought why not have tomorrow night after Joshua goes to bed be about her. I bought a new house for us to live in and she hasn't seen it yet. We had just pulled up to the mall and I had pulled out my camera.

Y/N: What are you doing with that?

Nic: Oh you'll see.


When you got to the mall he had pulled out his camera and then he began to talk. Then it hit you. He was filming a vlog. You just laughed and let him do his thing. He followed you so he helped pick out Joshua's outfit and a couple more toys for him. Then he proceeded to pick out his outfit and he even picked out your outfit. You guys got some stuff for the party and then you packed up and you headed back to the house. When you got to the house he picked up his vlog camera and began to talk.

Nic: Were going to set up for tomorrow, then we're going to bed. See you guys in the morning.


Nic: Hey guys so yesterday we left off with us setting up for Joshua's birthday party today and were about to go wake him up.

When you and Nic walk into his room you start singing happy birthday to him and you guys turned the camera off and you spent the day with him and right before guests showed up you guys got ready in your matching outfits and you and Nic posted a pic to Instagram and then you guys filmed his birthday party here and there. It was night time and you guys had come into the house when you were handed keys to something. You didn't know what was going on so you looked at Nic confused.

Y/N: Uh Nic why did you hand me keys?

Nic: You have a surprise waiting for you tomorrow.

Y/N: Ok is Joshua coming too?

Nic: My mum is gonna watch him.

Y/N: Ok.


Joshua had been asleep for a few hours now when he started crying. You were about to get up when you saw Nic get up.

Nic: I got him.

He then brought a crying Joshua downstairs to the living room. You let Nic and Joshua have some father son time and you watched how fast Nic had gotten him to go back to sleep. Nic had sat back down on the couch while he was holding Joshua. When he for sure knew that Joshua wasn't gonna wake back up he took him back to his room and put him back in his crib. By this time you had fallen asleep on the couch and when Nic had come back down he had seen you and he knew how tired you were and so he carried you into his arms all the way back upstairs to your shared bedroom.

You had just been tucked in when you woke up.

Y/N: Nic?

Nic: Y/N go back to sleep. I'll be there in a second.

Y/N: Ok.

You went back to sleep and as soon as he got in bed and he was laying down you had laid your head on his shoulder and you instantly snuggled up to him. It took him a little bit to fall asleep and so until he could he decided to watch you sleep while also watching a tv show with the volume off so he wouldn't wake you back up. He then fell asleep knowing that his son had a perfect one year birthday.

When you guys woke up you had taken Joshua to his moms house and then you guys made your way to your surprise. When you finally got to your surprise you were blind folded and you couldn't see. So with the help of Nic you were moved onto the front porch and then you were handed the keys.

Nic: Ok on the count of 3 open your eyes. 1...2...3... Open your eyes!

You opened your eyes only to see a huge house right in front of you.

Y/N: Nic?

Nic: We own this house baby this is ours. But I bought this for both you and Joshua.

Y/N: *Goes over to Nic and kisses him* This is beautiful he's going to love it. Thank you.

Nic: Your welcome.

You guys went back to your house and you guys had some fun in the sheets and then you guys went to bed. You went to bed with a smile on your face knowing that Nic had bought that house for you and Joshua and that you guys were gonna have every thing that you've ever wanted. You loved the house and all but your husband Nic and your son Joshua are everything you ever wanted and that's all that mattered to you.

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