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Victor decided to remove the gem inside of his arm. He began to pick and fidget with it until it became loose under his skin, and suddenly it became a wild Obsession to remove the gem from his arm so he could see bede without any hesitation or him getting sick. Suddenly Victor was in extreme pain as his arm started to bleed from the picking at the gem it began to bleed Like a Knife wound. Of course Victor rushed to the hospital that bede was staying in to get treatment so he can be closer to him the doctors were able to remove the goodly sized gem that was in his arm but still left a nasty scar showing how long it was and how deep, Victor didn't care though he was happy that he could be around bede without bede becoming so sick and so tired. Finally the doctors and the nurses had agreed to let Victor visit the room that bede was staying in, so far bede had recovered and had woken up slightly still groggy and still uncoordinated with his cognitive skills but awake. When bede saw Victor's eyes he began to light up like a firework, victor only then began to become excited by bede's amazing recovery. As the gym leader's stood behind him, his smile with bede soft purple eyes and bede laughed about all if this being a crystal's fault. The Crystal had made Victor so nervous and scared because he did not know if the crystal was the reason why bede was getting sick around him. Bede held him close Victor smiled and relax but everything is going to be just fine and no matter what they went through they were going to be together. Bede smiled and nuzzled his head into Victor shoulder, Victor grab bede by the Grin faced and held him close to his face and looked him in the eyes and whispered "I love you".

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