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Tamia just found out that Jerriena bought her and her son's ticket and they will be there in 2 days. Tamia already has anxiety and this just gives her more anxiety. She has to clean her whole house and set up the spare bedroom for Jameson. One thing about Tamia is she doesn't and will not co-sleep. She didn't do it with her daughter and she refuses to let a child sleep next to her after the age of 1. Jerriena already told her that Jameson will be scared at first, so she wants to make sure she gets him a night light. Hopefully he will be able to adjust fast.

Tamia has been cleaning since after Jerriena told her when she was coming. Jerriena's phone was dying, so she told her she would call her back once its charge. They're still messaging each other though. Tamia is actually nervous to tell her best friend. She knows that she already thinks they are moving too fast, but again lesbians move faster lol. Tamia decides to just text her best friend instead.


*Texts Best Friend*

Tamia: Hey bf

Bestfriend: Hey bf. wyd?

Tamia: just got off video chat with Jerriena...wyd?

Bestfriend: oh how did that go? and just looking at your nephew. I can't believe I have a baby.

Tamia: man he's so beautiful bf. You're such a good mom man I hope you know that. And it went good. She will be here in 2 days :) How are you and your man. I forgot to ask! What's he saying about the girl that posted him on snap?

Bestfriend: He really just said its not like that and he doesn't even know her like that. I asked him why does he follow her on twitter then. He is just confusing me bf. Like when we're good, we're great.. but when he's mad its like he doesn't even know me. He barely even tells me he loves me. And in 2 days???? bf that's super fast! What if she tries to kill you or something? You're crazy lol. Get you a tazer bf lol. Thank you for saying that. Sometimes I feel like a horrible mom because his dad isn't active and stuff.

Tamia: Bf you can't feel like that. It's not your fault that his dad isn't there. I don't even consider that his dad.. He's just his sperm donor. Your man is more of a father to him. I don't think I'm crazy lol I'm just ready to move on with my life. I can't let what Shayne did, scare me from dating other people. And trust me bf... She won't kill me lmao. Plus you have my location on your phone right? Yes 2 days she will be here. Bruh I have so much cleaning to do, plus I have to take some stuff from the spare bedroom to the garage to make some space. I'm making the room with the bunkbeds, her sons room. I just feel like I'm barely going to sleep the next couple of days. It will be nice to be in her arms. As far as you and your man goes, I guess just give it time. I really want to message the girl on snapchat and ask her what the real is!

Bestfriend: OMG no don't message her. It will just cause more tension between me and him. Yeah I'm sure you will be happy to have sex with your freaky ass lmao. You know you bout to get you some. You better make sure you get rest before she comes. Lol you know how much yo ass loves taking naps. Its going to be different with a kid being in the house. You stay cleaning though, you act like your house is dirty lol. You literally are always in your office or kitchen. I don't even think I've seen the other rooms in your house aside from the basement lmao. Yes I still have your location on my phone. You better not turn it off. Have you talked to your other best friend.. the mean one lmao. And yeah he treats him so good. I love watching him with him.

Tamia: Man you need to talk to the girl. I hate that you're hurting. I really just want to know if she even knows about you. Like I wonder what he be telling her. You don't know if Ima be having sex. Lol I've been celibate this long... how you know I won't make her wait? Lmao. And girl trust I need my naps. You know how cranky I get when I don't get a nap. Plus he needs his own room and I already told her we need to have him on a schedule. I don't feel like my house is dirty, its just cluttered from my landlords stuff. I swear I can't wait to get a new place already. Yeah I will def be trying to get me some rest. I know tomorrow night will be harder to sleep because she will be on that bus and I know I'll have an adrenaline rush. I'll figure it out though. Remember I'm going to video chat you with her tonight so you can tell me what you think.

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