Chapter 14

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Sakura | 桜

Do you ever have one of those moments when the entire world just seems so much more beautiful than normal, when you feel like you're flying even though your feet are solidly planted on the ground, when you feel so happy it feels like your face is going to explode from smiling so big if your heart doesn't burst from joy first?

That's exactly how I feel right now. I'm experiencing a complicated mix of pride in seeing that Meta grew up so well, joy in knowing that my memories of being close to him weren't misguided, excitement at being so much closer to Sir Knight than I ever have been before as Sakura, and just general happiness in seeing Meta Knight so happy.

I glance behind myself once again to check that he's still following, even though I know for a fact that he is. I can feel his presence, for one thing, and for another, I can hear his metal boots clanking along the floor as we head for the boys' presences out in the courtyard. But the sight of him walking behind me with golden eyes ringed in joyous pink, all wrapped up in his cape like always, makes me grin bigger all over again. My grin makes his own eyes crinkle up at the corners, letting me know that he's smiling on his own face underneath.

Though I do still wish he hadn't started wearing the mask. I like seeing his eyes and his expressions. He has such an expressive face when he's not fighting against his feelings with everything in him; I wish he didn't feel the need to hide his face or those feelings from the world.

Turning to face forward again, I lean into my every step a little more, picking up the pace just slightly faster. I'm excited to tell the kids, for some reason, to tell them that Meta and I have known each other much longer than they realized—much longer than even I realized up until just a little bit ago. I can't wait to see their faces when I tell them that I knew Meta when he was their age, that once upon a time, I knew two other little boys—

Oh. Forest.

My heart sinks for a moment. I wonder whether Meta ever found him. I wonder whether he even realized that he was still alive back when he joined the army. I wonder whether Meta ever learned that he changed his name.

I wonder when he died, and how. I wonder whether he ever found a girl to settle down with. I wonder whether he died alone.

I hope with everything in me that he didn't die alone.

"Are you alright?" Meta suddenly asks me from behind. "You seem sad all of a sudden."

"Sorry," I laugh back, trying to hide the sadness. "It's nothing. Just thinking through everything still and it's a little overwhelming, sorry." I don't want to take away from his happiness right now. I'll ask him about Forest another time. For now, it's time to be joyful and happy.

And so, with a mental apology, I push Forest out of mind for the time being. It will be time to think about and talk about him soon enough, I'm sure. For now... Well, I haven't felt this happy in so long. I'm savoring it as long as I can.

I remember everything. And Meta is alive, and well, and has survived the war, and grown up to be such a good, brave Star Warrior.

The bursting joy returns, and it's just about too much for me to bear. Without thinking, I snap my wings out and take to the air with a running start, a leap, and a heavy downstroke, soaring my way down the wide, open stone hall that runs adjacent to the castle courtyard. Meta Knight laughs behind me at my sudden actions, but seems to stay on his feet, given that his voice is fading behind me. I bank out through one of the stone arches into the courtyard and turn around, flying back to where he is. I swoop back in through a stone arch and land not far in front of him with a grin, catching my breath from the sudden exertion. I turn my wings back into a cape.

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