Chapter 25

154 6 14

Sakura | 桜

My cape unfurls, gently dropping me onto the stone floor of a cave. I hurry to the back of the shallow space carved into the edge of a high cliff. It's smaller than I remember, it feels like. Now that I look at it again, it's barely big enough to count as a cave.

I guess the world seemed a lot bigger back then, at least in some ways. That feels strange to say, given that right now, I feel smaller than ever.

I wrap my gloves around myself and lean against the wall, rocking back on my heels. My breath comes out in a fog due to the cold, making me wince a little bit. I probably shouldn't have come here, but... I don't know. Despite the negative memories I do associate with this place, I associate far more positive memories with it. Besides, for some reason, I just really want to be around snow right now.

Outside of the cave in front of me, the sun is slowly rising above a sparkling, frigid world. There's even more snow here than there was the first time I was here, it looks like. Makes sense; then it was Earlsummer, and now it's Lateautumn. It'll be Earlwinter in only a couple weeks. It's hard to believe another year is almost over, even if I missed the first few months of it.

I take deep breaths, trying to clear my head. The cold helps in that it makes it hard to think too much about anything.

I guess White Wafers is a good place to come when you don't know where else to run.

It took me a few jumps to get here; the distance was way too far to travel in one warp. I warped first to the castle garden, which was right on the very edge of my warp radius. I guess it makes more sense now, how quickly the rumors said Meta Knight could travel from the castle to Kabu Valley back when Nightmare was still sending monsters here. After going to the castle garden, I hopped up north bit by bit. I passed through Butter Building, and finally ended up here.

I would've just stayed in the castle garden, but I knew Meta Knight would find me too quickly there. I'm not ready to talk to anyone again just yet. I don't have the answers they're looking for. All talking to him or anyone else would accomplish for me right now is to make me even more upset and anxious.

My exhaustion hits me like a freight train out of nowhere. I sigh and slide down into a sitting position against the wall. After a moment, I remember that I have a blanket in my cape. I pull that out and wrap it snugly around myself. I settle back against the wall, already feeling warmer again. It might not last for too awful long, but it's definitely better than nothing.

I yawn. It's a much bigger and longer yawn than normal. The action stretches the corners of my mouth and makes my tummy feel taut. When it finally breaks and I can exhale again, it feels like the last of my energy goes out with the breath.

"I need sleep," I murmur quietly to myself. I know the planet's in trouble again, but I can't save it like this. I've pulled two all-nighters in a row, now. My body aches all over, from the exertion of helping Mags with the ship yesterday, from running through the Woods the day before yesterday, and, of course, especially from mine and Meta's swordfight last night. I still feel particularly sore where he landed on me. I make a face, rather glad I can't see myself at the moment. I've probably got a big, bright silver bruise somewhere on my face or side.

I know I can only start healing if I allow myself some rest. So, I snuggle back against the wall and allow my eyes to drift shut.

"Awh. You're so adorable when you're sleepy," a voice coos from not far in front of me. My eyes flash open and dart to the magenta jerk. He stands leaning against one of the cave's side walls, not far in front of me. I groan at the sight of him. I'm too tired to offer any other real protest.

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