Chapter 1

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Logan had moved around a lot as a kid. He's been told it's to be expected, kids like him don't stay in one place for too long, but as he got dressed for his first day at his sixth high school in four years he vowed to do whatever it took to make it his last. He grabbed his backpack and headed down the stairs.

"Mornin' Logan! I made some eggs or there's pop tarts in the pantry." A soft, chipper voice greeted him.

"Thanks Mrs. Nelson, I'll just grab a pop tart if that's okay with you." He tried to match her tone, but fell just a tad short.

"Sweetie, I told you you can call me Kate," he goes to apologize, but she continues, "Maybe this weekend we can go to the grocery store and pick up some more things you like to eat."

"Oh, I'm not too picky."

She glances at his the backpack slung over his shoulder and grins.

"Ready to head out for your first day?"

"Yes ma'am." He sees her reach for her keys and winces. "Oh no, I'm sorry did I already miss the bus?"

She furrowed her brow, "No, don't worry, I was just going to drive you on your first day, get you all set up." She pauses, "You normally have to fend for yourself?" It's posed like a question, but it's clear she knows the answer.

So he shrugs and says, "It's no big deal, I'm used to it by now," Trying not to hurt her feelings he adds, "But an escort would make things easier."

She claps her hands, "Then let's rock and roll," then scrunches her nose, "Yikes that sounded like my dad."

He chuckles to himself and follows her out the door.

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Enrollment went the way enrollment always goes. He's never starting at the beginning of school year which means he gets whatever classes and electives aren't full. He's taken a lot of shop and agricultural courses. Gretta Mayfield High School's least full elective was band. Logan's lack of musical skills probably meant he had a lot of chair stacking to look forward to. There were worse things.

Kate follows him out of the office, glancing at her phone to check the time.

"Okay. You'll need to ride the bus home. I won't be there I have to work the late shift at the hospital tonight. Now remember Mrs. Thompson said you'll be on bus 7. Charlie will get home around five and you guys can figure out dinner. Word of advice, suggest a pizza, you won't like whatever he comes up with on his own."

Logan goes to respond, but she pushes on, " I may be over explaining. I know you're 17 years old. You got this."

He gives her a weak, but genuine smile, " You're being protective, but it's a good protective. Thank you Mrs. Nelson," She cuts him a look," Ah, sorry, Kate."

She sends him a warm smile, "That's more like it. I won't be home until late, you'll be asleep, but have a great day sweetie!" She might have said more, but was silenced by a bell, which prompted her to say, "Uh oh, you better skedaddle," combined with a look of instant regret.

He grins and turns away with an, "Okay, bye.. Kate," and as he turns he hears her mutter under her breath "Skedaddle, wow Kate."

Logan chuckles to himself, then glances down to the schedule he holds. First period Chemistry, room 228. Logan breathes in a sigh,

"Here we go."

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