Chapter 2

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Logan arrives at first period right as his teacher is shutting the door. His schedule already told him her name, but that doesn't stop her from introducing herself.

"Hi! You must be Logan?" He nods his head, "Well I'm Mrs. Nguyen, welcome to Chemistry. Come on in."

She holds the door open for him to enter and closes it behind them. As many times as Logan had done a first day, it didn't really get any less awkward. He always had to stand at the front of the class, a spectacle to be stared at, before he found a seat.

"Everyone, this is Logan. He'll be joining our class. I'd love for you to make him feel welcome. Logan, dear, there's an empty seat back there beside Levi."

A boy that Logan can only assume is Levi, raises their hand, so he makes his way over to the left side of the classroom. Only about three quarters of the eyes in the room followed him to his seat and as he sat Levi gave him an approving nod. First period could so far be counted as a relative success.

"Okay everyone," Mrs. Nguyen calls attention back to the front of class, "In your textbooks turn to page 38. Levi, hun, share with Logan for today please."

"Yes'm." agrees the boy to Logan's right as he scoots his desk closer to make sharing less tedious.

"Thanks." Logan says. Levi tosses a friendly grin as the lesson begins.

A little while later the bell signals the end of class.

As everyone packs up, Mrs. Nguyen calls out, "Okay thanks gang. Everyone try to wake up a little more for the rest of your teachers okay? And have a good day!"

Levi turns to Logan expectantly, "What you got next dude?"

As Logan unfolds his schedule Levi takes it out of his hand, he clenches his now-empty first at his side. "Okay you're going to English next, you'll like Mr. Cooper he's chill. I won't see you again until lunch, but I'll save you a seat. Cool?"

And before Logan can get out as much as a nod, Levi is off.

Logan already knew English wouldn't be his favorite part of the day. There were only so many times a kid could start reading "Great Expectations," but at least he had someone to sit with at lunch. As forward as the boy was, the new Logan might could do with some friends like Levi.

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