Chapter 10

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Logan had come up with an excuse.

He had seriously considered saying he cut himself shaving, but being as the cut was next to his eye that didn't seem like the most believable option. INstead, Kate and Charlie had recently gotten an imaginary cat. Very recently in fact. And said cat took an imaginary bath last night. It wasn't a great story, but it wasn't hard to believe. Cats have sharp claws. And over the years Logan had learned that his peers were going to ask way more questions than his teachers. They didn't get paid enough to deal with every scratched student. The point evidenced by the fact that he had only had to use the cat story once before lunch.

As for his classmates, in the past they had learned, sometimes the hard way, not to ask. Walking to lunch, though, he knew that approach wasn't going to work with this bunch. For starters, he was beginning to like these people. For the first time in a while, he wanted them to like him, too. He wanted to have friends. This was a new Logan, after all. So, what was he going to tell them? And maybe more importantly, what was he going to tell Gemma? She had held her questions back this morning, but Logan already knew enough to know that she wouldn't hold onto them forever.

Today, Logan joined the lunch line. Unlike yesterday, there were no leftover pop tarts from breakfast. There was, however, the money Kate had given him for lunch this morning. He made his way through the line and payed the lunch lady, thanking her as he left. He takes a look down at his tray as he walks. The cafeteria sloppy joe wouldn't have been his first choice, but it was a hot meal and Logan knew all too well it was better than nothing. He headed to the table from yesterday. Levi and Gemma were the only ones there yet.

"Hey dude!" Levi called out when he reached the table. Logan takes his place from yesterday, between the two of them.

"Hi Logan," comes from his left. Gemma's voice was soft, almost uncharacteristically quiet. A faint shade of pink covered her cheeks and if Logan didn't know better he might have thought she was blushing. She didn't quite meet his eyes and, again, if Logan didn't know any better he might have asked her what was wrong. He didn't think it was his business, so instead he lifted one corner of his mouth in what could almost be called a smile, giving her another glance. "Hey guys. How are the sloppy joe's here?"

Levi snorts a laugh and says, "Shitty, we should have warned you. On sloppy joe day, bring your lunch."

Logan looks down at the sandwich on his plate, "Yeah I was afraid that was the answer," then lifts it to his mouth for the first bite. He has his mouth full when he hears a voice behind him.

"What's this guy doing in my seat?"

Logan immediately tenses up, swallowing the bite in his mouth. With clenched fists he turns slowly in his seat, staring up where the voice came from. Behind him stood a boy of average height and build. There was a faint outline of muscle under the sleeves of his t-shirt, but the muscles didn't mean much. Logan could take him, easy. And he considered it, but he knew that the new Logan should try words for a change.

He said, "Oh hey man, I'm sorry. I'm new I didn't realize someone was sitting here. I'll move." That was friendly and agreeable enough, he thought. It wasn't so hard.

"Yeah, because there would just be an empty seat in the middle of the table. That checks out."

Logan's expression turns dark. So much for being nice. He stands and gathers his tray. Bringing himself to his full height, he stands a good four inches taller than the other boy. He then gives a mocking bow, gesturing to the vacated seat.

"Jason, no one told him that seat was taken," Gemma cuts in from where she sits beside them, "We thought you were out with strep throat." Her voice is light and cheerful, she's trying to diffuse the situation.

"Yeah, well, I got better." Not diffused.

Logan and the stranger, Jason, stand facing each other. Neither willing to break the stare. Logan lowers his brow, ignoring the pain it causes. No one says a word.

"Hey guys!" A chipper voice breaks them out of their stare-down. Alice, followed closely by Ian, places her tray on the table and takes her seat. "How's your second day going Logan? Looks like you got stuck with a sloppy joe today, too." If she notices the tension, she doesn't let on. Jason claims his seat.

"Yeah I guess I didn't get the memo." He pulls his mouth into a friendly smile that doesn't reach his eyes. Now this is awkward. He's left standing, holding his food.

Gemma moves her backpack from the place on her other side and says, "Here Logan. Sit." Logan does as he's told.

Ian turns his attention to Jason, the two now across from each other, "So strep, huh?" They all lose themselves in conversation regarding the legitimacy of the illness.

Gemma leans over to him, speaking quietly enough that he's the only one to hear, "I have an extra sandwich if you don't want to eat that." She points to the food on his tray, the pink is back in her cheeks.

"Oh, I appreciate it, but that's okay. I wouldn't take your lunch from you. Besides, I've had worse."

"Okay, no big deal. But you wouldn't be taking it from me. I'm not gonna eat it. I brought it for you." Ignoring his confused expression, she turns back to join the convesation with the rest of the table. They've moved on to discussing the latest episode of a TV show Logan's never heard of.

******Hi! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. For some reason Chapter 10 has been the hardest for me to write, I've rewritten it like seven times! I hope y'all like it, let me know what you think!*******

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