🌲Under The Mistletoe - 6 🌲

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Jaxtyn's POV

I pull my black skyline into the apartment building that my father gave me. Climbing out of the car I look around the garage and see that a few things need to be fixed down here. Pulling my phone out of my pocket I make a note of it. There's a lift close to my parking spot and I walk over to it. Pressing the button I wait for it to come down.

The numbers on the lift shows up as the lift descends. The door opens with a ping and a group of girls step out.

A blonde whispers to her friend and they start giggling. "Hi," she says.

"Hey, ladies. I hope you have a lovely day."

"You, too." A mousy blonde says. She turns towards me and says. "Will you have dinner with us tonight?"

"Shelly," the blonde scolds. "We don't know him and you're already inviting him to the apartment."

"Of course I am. I don't want to miss the opportunity of getting to know a man like him, Kelsey. Besides, you told me that I should get over Jesse. What better way than him." She writes something on a piece of paper and hands it to me. "We hope to see you around." She walks off with her friends and they climb into a red Audi.

I step into the lift and open the paper. It has a phone number, apartment number and time for dinner tonight.

I'm definitely going to it. I would love to get to know these girls better. Maybe, they'll tell me about this building and maybe some of the occupants that live here.

Stepping out of the lift in the lobby I see the security guy behind the desk. He looks up from the paper and says. "So, you're the guy that's taking over this place."

"Yes, Sir. That'll be me, Jaxtyn Emmanuel."

"You're father, Jonah was a nice man. I trusted what he had to say. For you time will tell. Also, I heard about the plans of you evicting people and letting them move into your fathers other building. Some people are up for it and others are against it. You're going to have a hard time getting rid of my favourite girl, Skye."

I know she's going to be a difficult one to move on. She's always known what she wants and goes for it.

"That's fine. If they don't want to leave I'm not going to force them."

"I was hoping to hear you say that. What's going to happen during the construction period? Are you going to kick them entirely out of the building?"

"No, they will have a place on another floor until the construction is finished on their floor." I step away from the desk and start to make notes of things that need to be updated. "I'll see you later. I'm going to check out the rest of the building."

"If I don't see you, have a great day."

Smiling at him I say. "You too." I move over to the lift and press the button. The door opens and I step inside. It takes me to the first floor and I walk around the hall checking the fire alarms and making a note to have them updated and a sprinkler system installed as well.

The door to room 7 opens and a male steps into the hall. He has dark hair that's spiked up, brown eyes and he's wearing a suit. Kissing his wife he says. "I'll see you when I get home." He closes the door and bumps into me accidentally. Looking at me he says. "I'm so sorry."

"That's alright." Holding my hand out to him I say. "I'm Jaxtyn Emmanuel."

"Oh," he reluctantly places his hand in mine. "Jeremiah Winters. It's nice to meet you."

I give him a slight smile. "So, you've already heard about me?"

"Yes, we were told that we had to move out soon and I don't have enough time in the day to deal with something like that. I spend long hours in the office. Is there any way that we can stay in the apartment?"

"That's fine. There's a few other people that will be staying here. We're giving everyone a choice to stay here with the renovations or to move into a building that has everything they need. I understand where you're coming from, especially having to move with a new family it'll be too much for you."

"Do you have a family?"

Shaking my head I say. "My brother just started a family with his wife and they moved out of home recently. I watched everything they had to do to get their place organised and moving with a young child. It wasn't the best thing to do. They're son was fussy when they moved into the new house and he even cried all night when he was left in an unfamiliar room alone at night."

He nods. "That's one of the things I'm worried that could happen to my son and that's why I need to stay here as well. He sleeps perfectly through the night now and it took us a couple of months to get him used to his own bedroom." Looking at his watch he says. "I have to get to work. I'll see you around, Jaxtyn."

"Yes, you will." He hurries to the lift and presses the button. Pulling out his phone I see him texting someone.

I continue to make notes on that floor before moving onto the next.

By the time I make it up to my floor I'm ready to take a nap. Opening the door to my apartment I step into the room and look at the pictures hanging from the wall.

Mom must have been here because she put photos of the family and there's a few artworks of hers in the hallway as well.

It's been awhile since I've seen some of Mom's artwork. Since my nephew was born she's been spending a lot of time with him.

Pulling Mom's number up on my phone I call her. The phone rings a couple of times before she answers.

Mom: Hey, Jaxtyn. How are you?

Me: I'm good. I just walked into the apartment and I want to thank you for the pictures you put up.

Mom: Have you seen the one in the bedroom with your brother and the girls.

Me: No,

I walk into the bedroom and see a photo of Josh, Nicole, Skye and I. It was taken before I joined the football team in high school.

Skye had her arms wrapped around me and her head was lying on my shoulder. A huge smile was on my face and I was looking at her.

I forgot all about this.

Me: It's a great picture, Mom. Where were we that day?

Mom: You're father and I took you kids to the lake. You couldn't take your eyes off Skye that day. What happened between you two? I know there's more to the story that you haven't told me.

Me: Mom, I don't want to talk about this with you. What happened between us should stay in the past.

I hang up the phone after saying bye to Mom. Climbing into bed I fall asleep.

Under The Mistletoe (completed) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now