Cold Shoulders

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Don't make eye contact with him. As a matter of fact, don't even look at him. Don't even say his name. He's a prick that doesn't deserve your attention. Not after what he said.

You keep telling yourself that over and over as you walk over to your desk to set your things down. The only bad thing about your desk is that his desk was right in front of yours, which sucks because now, you can't avoid full communication with Reid.

Crap, you thought of his name. At one point, his name would send chills up your spine, but now, his name just aggravates you. It reminds you of what he said to you and you did not want to think about it.

You get up from your seat and make your way over to the coffee dispenser to grab a cup, only to see Reid getting coffee himself. You almost immediately turn away and walk back to your desk. Coffee could wait.

While this action of not getting coffee wasn't that big of a deal, it was obvious enough for Morgan to notice it and ask about it.

"Sweetness," he said to catch your attention, which he did. "What's going on with you today? You don't seem like yourself."

You shake your head. That's the tough thing about working with profilers: they always know when something is up. "I'm fine, thank you."

"Don't lie to me, (L/N)."

You sigh as you lock eyes with Morgan. Just over his shoulder, you could see Reid making his way back to his desk. You grab Morgan's arm and instinctively move away from Reid and murmur in his ear, "We're going somewhere else."

Morgan raises an eyebrow after getting jerked away by your movements. You let go of his arm as he leads you into his office and shuts the door.

"(L/N), what the hell is going on? And why are you avoiding Reid like the plague?" Morgan asks, thoroughly confused. "I thought you two were, like, best buddies. Maybe even something more."

You give Morgan a look before sighing again. "Last night, Reid and I -"

"Woah, woah, woah," Morgan interrupts. "You're telling me that you and Reid had -"

"WHAT? No! We did nothing of the -"

The door to Morgan's office opens, revealing none other than Penelope Garcia standing at the door, looking a little worried. "What's going on?"

Morgan looks at Garcia and frowns a little. "(L/N) and Pretty Boy aren't on good terms right now."

Garcia gasps and stands next to Morgan. "Tell me all about it."

You nod your head, trying to remember where you started off. "Last night, Reid and I had plans to just relax and hang out," you emphasize, looking at Morgan. "Somehow, we started talking about love and all of that stuff, and he said that he doesn't believe in love because of some stupid statistic."

Morgan and Garcia just look at each other, knowing that this situation was worse than they thought.

"So then, I asked Reid what he thought we had between us, since we may have... uh... kissed before," you stammer, nervously sweating a little bit.

Morgan raises his eyebrows and Garcia gasps a small gasp. Both were clearly shocked at this news.

"So I asked him that, and his answer was that we didn't love each other. So I asked him why we kissed then, and he pulled out some sciencey explanation that tipped me over the edge." Your eyes almost tear up as you look down and whisper, "So I threw him out."

Garcia gasped even louder, and Morgan's jaw dropped a little. Neither of them were expecting that, either.

"Oh my God, (Y/N), I am so sorry," Garcia coos as she envelops you in a big hug, one that you needed desperately. Of course, you hug Garcia back, trying not to cry right then and there.

"(L/N), I just think that you two need to talk it out. He probably just doesn't know what he's feeling since that big brain of his is strictly mathematic," Morgan suggests once Garcia backed away. "But don't avoid him. It'll just put a strain on your relationship."

Who knew that Morgan was such a good therapist?

"Thank you both," you say, smiling. With that, you walk around them and exit Morgan's office, a million thoughts flooding your brain.

Your eyes are casted to the floor, so you don't see someone walk towards you, grab you and kiss you. It catches you very off guard, but this person's familiar tongue movements and kissing techniques ring a bell.

This is Reid.

Half of you wants to push him away and act like this never happened. The other half wants to pull him closer and cherish his warmth. Your inner indecisiveness causes you to just stand there and lean into Reid's kiss, following his every move.

You couldn't say that you didn't enjoy this.

Reid pulled away and immediately locked eyes with you. Before you could even catch your breath, he stuttered, "(Y/N), I'm so so so sorry. In no way did I mean what I said last night. I was just scared that you didn't love me back. I love you, (Y/N). I love you, I love you, I-"

Reid is cut off by you pecking him on the lips. You pull away and look at him intently. "I love you too."

"I understand why you're mad but... could you ever forgive me?" he asks, looking at you like a little kid.

You look at Reid with a smug expression on your face. "I think asking for forgiveness is a little redundant, don't you think?"

Reid laughs a little. "Yeah, you're right."

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