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Today will be a day that you will never forget: the day that you leave. You worked for the BAU, but for some odd reason, some person superior to you transferred you out of Quantico. Because of them, you have to leave your second family. You've said goodbye to the rest of the team.

Now, you just had to say goodbye to Spencer Reid.

Spencer is and has been your long-time number one best friend since you both joined the BAU. Something about you two clicked well, and ever since then, you both have been inseparable. Your team and other people have asked if you two were ever anything more, but you two always have the same response: nope. Even if you did want it to be much more at times, and even if you two even questioned if you were just friends or more, you knew that Spencer and you were strictly friends.


And now, you're standing in front of his door, terrified to knock, because you know that both of you are going to cry at some point while you two spend your last minutes together. You two initially planned for you to stay at his place until it was time for you to catch your flight, but who knows what would happen? In your sweaty hands is a book with a bow on it. You hope that Spencer never read this book before, but somehow you have doubts. He's probably read it before and hated it.

Your heart seemed to shake as you solemnly knock on Spencer's door. You could already feel your eyes making the impending tears as the doorknob clicked, and the door reveals the attractive man that is Doctor Spencer Reid. Both of your eyes met, and a million emotions were exchanged in that split second.

"Hey," the sad male starts, a sadder smile on his lips. "Why don't you come in?"

You walk through the door and let Spencer shut it before his arms wrap around yours. Your automatic response is to set down the boom and wrap your arms around him, but you didn't realize that you'd start crying already. Tears slip down your cheeks already as your breathing becomes irregular. Spencer senses your sadness and hugs you tighter, rubbing your back and whispering sweet nothings into your ear.

"I don't want to leave, Spence," you whimper, hugging onto him for dear life. It felt like everything was being ripped away from you by the second: first your job, then your family, and now, your best friend. "I don't want to go." Your cries muffle your words as the crying seems to go on forever.

"It's okay," Spencer's gentle voice coos. "It's for the best."

"What good is coming out of leaving?" you respond. "I have to leave the team... and you."

Once those words floated out of your mouth, you instantly regret it as Spencer stops rubbing your back and looks down at you. His hand places itself under your chin and lifts it up so you two lock eyes. A silence fills the air before Reid licks his lips.

"Let's watch a movie," he suggests. "I made popcorn."

You smile at Spencer through your tears. "You really are my bestest friend."

Spencer smiles after hearing that, but not in the way that you expected. His smile almost seemed like an unsatisfied smile or a sadder smile.

But maybe it's just because you're leaving.

As you're examining Spencer's smile, he walks over to a small coffee table with four DVDs laid out, but he only picks up three. "We have Forrest Gump, we have Gone With the Wind, we have Home Alone, and we have Sound of Music."

Your eyes widen at the list of movies that you have been given. "That is probably the best selection of movies I have ever been presented with, and the hardest choice I have ever been presented with at the same time."

Spencer looked at his watch and back up at you. "Your flight leaves close to noon tomorrow. How about we stay up and watch all four?"

Without hesitating one bit, you nod frantically. "But promise me that we start with Forrest Gump since he's essentially your opposite."

Reid's smile makes your heart flutter. "Deal."

~ time skip ~

Staying with Spencer all night was probably the best thing to do before you leave Quantico. He's a great person to lean on and watch movies with. While watching the movies, you realize the feelings you harbor for Reid. even though you both tire out by the end of the second movie, Gone With the Wind, and take a two hour nap. When you both wake up at 4:00 AM, you resume the movie marathon and put on Sound of Music. By the end of the movie, the Sun peeks out from behind the Quantico buildings and shines in Reid's apartment.

Before starting Home Alone, the final movie, Reid stands up and stretches. "I'll make us breakfast, okay?"

You smile. "Please," you respond, standing up and hugging Spencer. You know that Spence doesn't really like hugs, but you don't really care anymore and frankly, Spencer didn't either. He hugs you back without hesitation. He only pulls away to start making breakfast for the two of you.

While you felt very content and happy with Spencer right now, you couldn't seem to forget that today was the last day you were going to spend with Spencer for a long time. Just that thought was enough to provoke tears from you.

You were so lost in your sad thoughts that hearing Spencer's voice calling breakfast startled you.

You waltz into the small eating area he has and sit down across from him. He has a plate of eggs and bacon in front of him, but he hasn't taken a bite.

"I want to tell you something," Reid muttered, looking at you with sad eyes.

"Go ahead," you respond, your mouth filled with his heavenly eggs.

Spencer's eyes look down as he scratches the back of his neck. "Ever since... well, ever since we joined the BAU, I've always felt something for you. What that something is, I don't know, but it's always been there, and I didn't really know what it was until... until recently." He pauses and thinks for a second before continuing. "I think I'm in love with you, (Y/N).

You stare at Reid, shocked at his words. Before you could confirm anything or ask any questions, his phone rang. He pulled it out and answered, "Hey, Hotch."

Hotch. Your old Unit Chief that you miss already. Hotch was a great boss and you know that any boss you get in the future can never and will never compare to Aaron Hotchner.

"Wait, what? It worked?" Reid questioned, his eyes lit up with excitement. His sudden change of mood made you curious as his lips formed a smile. "That is great news! I will tell her now! Thank you so much, Hotch."

Your eyebrows raise as Spencer puts his phone away, smiling. You go to say something, but of course, Spence beat you to it.

"When the team and I heard that you were being transferred out of Quantico, Hotch and I were especially upset because we know how gifted and how good you are at your job. Hotch and I knew that we couldn't really do much, but he found a way to get us an appointment with Linda Barnes, the one-"

"The one who decided to get rid of me," you interrupt.

He nods. "Yes. We presented our case to have you stay in Quantico, but she wasn't cooperating. After a few more meetings and some angry emails later, she gave in. You're staying here."

Those words sounded like music to your ears. Happy tears well in your eyes as a smile paints itself on your mouth. "Oh my God, I'm staying here!" you exclaim as you jump up, and he jumps up too.

Acting on pure instinct, you stand on your tippy toes and kiss Spencer. It isn't anything special: just a sweet and simple kiss that brings butterflies into anyone's stomach.

You pull away and start talking before Reid could. "I think I'm in love with you, too."

a/n: finally, it's out!! again, sorry for the wait on this one. prepare yourself for some new year's fluff :)

Just Me and Spencer Reid ~ Spencer Reid OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now