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Joining Server . . .

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"Bros what team are you guys on?" The green headed male asked his three friends over Skype upon entering the robloxian world.

"Prisoner." All three responded simultaneously.

"wHat dudes i'm the only cop what the fOOk-"

"Sorry Deku being a prisoner is more fun." Uraraka shrugged.

"I'm surprised Iida didn't choose to be a cop though." Todoroki said as he slurped his soba.

"Yeah what's that all about Iida come on!"

"My dearest apologies Midoriya," Iida stated calmly, pushing his glasses up. "I merely wanted to experience another point of view in this particular game. Please forgive me."

"Yeah yeah it's alright," Midoriya sighed dejectedly. "I'll see if I can team up with anyone."

[smallmight15] who on the cop team wants to team?

[smallmight15] me friends ditched meh ._.

"Wow Deku way to be desperate." Uraraka laughed into her mic.

"HeY bE qUIeT urArAKa" Midoriya screeched into his, causing it to peak.

"mIdorIYa yoUr mIc-" Iida warned while Uraraka yelled and Todoroki simply took his headset off.

"S-sorry guys." He apologized shyly.


"Yeah Todoroki?"

"Someone replied to your sad request."

Midoriya looked at his screen and, sure enough, someone had replied to his rather sad request.

[artemis] @ smallmight15 i gotchu bby

"Wow Deku, surprised they didn't bully you oop." Uraraka mumbled with a grin.

"I would not allow any sort of bullying while we are trying to play a friendly game!" Iida retorted while chopping the air.

"You know what? Just for that Uraraka."

[smallmight15] praise thy queen uwu

[smallmight15] their users are shouTOE, mrsonic, and xfloatyx

[artemis] hehe let's get this bread

"You did not just do thAT dEKu-"

"I think I just did b."

"Oh my god they're chasing me." Todoroki frantically said as he aggressively pushed buttons on his keyboard.

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