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One week later...
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"Hey, Y/n?"

"Yeah mom?" The auburn haired girl peaked her head around the corner to see her mom, Shirai Archer. Known to the world as the number five hero, Moonbeam.

Y/n and her mom had just moved from Kanagawa into the city of Musutafu for Y/n to attend school at UA High and her mom to teach.

Even though they'd moved to Musutafu, Y/n wouldn't officially move into the dorms for another week. She and her friends had decided prior that they'd wait to meet until then.

"It seems Charlee is out of dried mangos. Could you please go out and pick some up for her?" Her mother said from the kitchen.

"Yeah sure," Charlee was Y/n's pet dove. She had thankfully been able to convince principal Nezu to let her keep Charlee in the dorms so she'd be going with Y/n next week. "I'll be back. Bye mom!"



Musutafu was completely new territory to Y/n. She really should have asked her mom where she was going before she left.

The confused teen wandered around the city for a good twenty minutes before finally finding someone to ask for help.

"Excuse me?" Y/n tapped the shoulder of a blonde boy who was walking down the street. He seemed about her age. "Sorry to bother you, but could you tell me where the nearest pet shop is?"

The blonde turned all the way around to face her, his piercing red eyes stuck in a glare. "You stupid or something?"

"Well that wasn't very nice sir," Y/n said, crossing her arms over her chest. "I was just wondering were a gosh diggity darn pet shop was."

The boy rolled his eyes and pointed his left hand up at the store next to him. "Found it."

"Oh," Y/n swear dropped at her own stupidity as she stared at the big yellow sign reading 'Musutafu et Shop'. "I'm dumb."

"Damn right you are."

"Hey! Why are you such a jerk?" Y/n whined to the boy as he made a 'tch' sound.

"I don't have time for extras like you. I found you the fucking pet shop. Get out of my way." The blonde boy pushed past
Y/n, knocking her to the ground, and continued on his way down the sidewalk.

"Did home slice really just do that?" Y/n thought of causing the grass between the sidewalk to grow around his ankles and trip him, but she decided against it.

She's a child a 🅱️esus. Not her fault that guy radiates teeny peepee energy.

Y/n sprung back onto her feet and entered the pet shop. After purchasing the dried mangos and some other little treats for her feathered friend, she left the store and headed home.

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Gamer Gorl has started a chat with "Oh? Worm."!

Gamer Gorl
i just met the doucheist douche that ever did douche

Pure🤩💚 has entered the chat!

Aw i'm sorry y/n :(
What'd they look like?

Gamer Gorl
Ashy blonde hair and really red eyes with the addition of a very intense scowling face
Him = >:(

oh no...

Gamer Gorl

you just met Kacchan...

Gamer Gorl

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★🅱️itch has started a chat with "Spare Coochie?"!

I just met an actual dumbass

Pickasso has entered the chat!

Dude add them to the chat!

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Two chapters in one day? Pretty unheard of from me now isn't it?

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