Chapter 4

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I'm glad that Alya has apologized and we've repaired the damage caused by Lila for the most part.

"So girl you still need to explain what you did to your hair!" Alya said.

"Well when I moved to Paris when I was younger about three or four my parents insisted that I dyed my hair because my family is pretty well known back in China so they wanted a guarantee that I wouldn't be recognized but this red is actually completely natural." I said.

"So Which parent do you get your hair from?" Alya asked.

"I actually get it from my mom Bridgette!" I said.

"Wait I thought your mom's name was Sabine?" Alya asked.

"No Sabine is my aunt my mom is still in China." I clarified.

"So maybe when you reregister you could pretend to be your cousin and you can then just take Lila down using kindness." Alya said.

"Or I could just go back as myself just explain the hair as wanting a change and go and apologize to Lila and just take her down with kindness until eventually my family becomes involved." I said. I know that I technically left the school but I never filled out the paperwork to legally leave the school.

"That's actually a great idea but for it to succeed I need to pretend to be supporting Lila but I'll definitely help you take her down though." Alya said. This plan will work for sure I know it will especially with the help of Alya and Nino.

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