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Wedding Day


"Babe, in a few hours, we're going to finally be one." Nick whispered into my ear as I brushed my teeth. "It's been a long time coming and I've fought so hard for this. You're everything to me. That's why I did this for you." He said as he reached behind his back and pulled a set of what seemed to be house keys.

"Did what for me?" she said as she looked down. "NICK OMG, please tell me this is what I think it is? You got a me a new house?!"

"I got US a new house. You've suffered too many bad memories here. I hired movers, by the time we're back from our honeymoon everything will be moved into our new home. I've been stalking your Pinterest, I think you're going to love the décor too."

"So we're making another baby tonight right? Cause I just, ugh, I love you so much!" I began to tear up.

Nick then scooped me up off of my feet and onto the counter and as bad as I wanted it, I couldn't. "Babeeeee, we have to wait. Just a few more hours okay?" I said with small moans escaping my mouth.

"You right, I'm about to head to the hotel, see you at the alter wifey." He said with a smirk.

As soon as Nick walked out of the house, I ran to my office to tie up a loose end. "The Grim Reaper"...

The day Jo died, I meant to send a message to find out who the Grim Reaper was, but the day got away from me. I pulled open my laptop swiftly to see if any messages had been sent and there was none. I searched the page and couldn't seem to find it. I searched the name in her search bar and nothing came up... it was GONE.

I called Aaron frantically.

"BRO, please tell me you got that phone. The Grim Reaper page is gone!" I said quiet enough for my house guest not to hear me.

"Well Man, we kind of have another issue and I know you're about to be pissed." He said. "I uhh, I think I just killed Man Man...."

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN THINK A?! HOW DO YOU THINK YOU KILLED SOMEBODY DUMBASS?!" I yelled and everything started to spin. My life was never supposed to be like this, my vision went first, then my hearing, and I lost all feeling in my legs, my body collapsed.

"IMAN, IMAN! You okay?! Answer me please" Aaron screamed into the phone.


2 Months Later

Life was kicking my ass. Iman was in an induced coma. Aaron was looking at life for the deaths of Joanna and Man Man and my children hated me. Kayla (Iman's bestfriend), came back in town to help me with the kids and decided to tell them everything from the past dramas with Joanna, now the kids barely hold conversations with me.

I watched the love of my life lay in the hospital bed day in and day out. Her hair had grown so much and she was losing a great amount of weight, but there was something about her chocolate skin that was glowing. It pains me that I'm the reason for all of this, she was perfect before me.

In the middle of my thoughts, her Mom walked in. We just looked at eachother and exchanged small smiles. "I think I'm going to go away for a while. When I look back at things I notice how I started all of this, she was so full of life before we got together Ma. I'm a burden and look at her once again, stuck on a hospital bed." I said with tears rolling down my face.

"Baby, some things in life are destined to happen. Don't beat yourself up, my baby loves your dirty drawers, because she could have left a long time ago. Do what you have to, just make sure you're back when her eyes open boy." She said rubbing my back.

That was my confirmation, all I needed was a go. Tonight would be my last night sleeping at this hospital, I needed to dip for a while.

I hadn't moved the kids into the new house yet, because I wanted Iman to be the first to see it. The house was about 45 minutes away from our current one and it was in a quiet, gated community. Before I left I went to go take one last look at it.

I noticed a black car following me so I started taking random turns and going in the opposite direction of the house. I headed towards the local police station and it seems like when the car noticed, it turned around.

I called an Uber to the new house just to be safe and when I entered I took a deep breath. I spent over $85,000 on décor and remodeling the home to be just what I knew my baby wanted it to be. She was so special and so kind, I had to make this shit perfect.

After doing one last walk through my phone rang, "Nick, she's up. She wants you." Kayla said in a quiet, but excited voice. I pulled up my Uber app and put in my destination... the airport.....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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