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"Nickkkkkkk", I screamed while in the bathroom mirror looking at myself.

"Yes baby?", he said so sensually when he caught whiff of my nakedness. I went to tell him what I needed to say when suddenly I was scooped up and placed on the counter. "14 years in and I still can't get enough of you. Let Daddy take care of you really quick."

By that time I found myself with my head thrown back and pushed against the mirror while he slid two fingers in and out of my girl and kissed my neck making my body squirm. We were only 3 minutes into it and I was already lost in a daze, that's the power he has over my body. I quickly snapped out of it, because I needed to taste him and I pushed him into the bedroom and locked my door so the kids wouldn't walk in on us.

"We were supposed to be waiting until tomorrow night, but Daddy I have to remind you why you've consistently insisted on marrying me for the last 14 years.", I laughed.

I slid his boxers down and just stopped and stared at his long, chocolate, thick shaft. Even after years of being with this man, I still got excited every time I sucked his d. I started kissing his chest while rubbing his balls. I cascaded my tongue slowly down his stomach and landed at the tip of his manhood.

I slid my hand completely under his balls making sure to obtain them completely in my handle as I began to slowly jiggle them. I then started sucking in a slow circular motion while moving my tongue around my mouth causing his to feel the licking and sucking sensation at once. I heard a moan slip and that's when I went crazy. I dropped my mouth down and consumed his entire shaft and sucked like my life depended on it.

He grabbed the back of my neck and unexpectedly he started shaking and I felt his sweet nut began to fill my mouth and drip down my throat. "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Let me get cleaned up, I have to go." I said wiping him up.

"WAIT, NO! Let me slide in it pleaseeee. It's been two months." He begged.

"NOPE, I have to go. Love ya!" I said feeling accomplished.


Circling the block for the second time I spotted my plug. "Man Man, why the hell you been avoiding me? I need my fix. This damn child getting on my nerves and I need to get lit." I yelled out the window.

"Bitch don't come around here with that damn screaming and hoe you owe me too much money. If you give me my $500 right now, I got something real special for you!". He said with a smile.

"Special for me? You made some new shit? I got $600 on me right now as a matter of fact. I need a new high for what I'm about to do tomorrow." I told him.

"Oh what you doing tomorrow? I hope you don't plan on fucking up Iman wedding. That girl should have offed you years ago." He said.

"Mind ya damn business. Give me the shit!" I said throwing the money and yanking the coke.

I immediately began to snort and I felt blood pour from my nose. The high was so instant though that I couldn't stop consuming so I started putting it in my mouth and wiping it around my cheeks. I felt like I was flying literally. Man Man asked to use my phone and I told him he could have it forever and pulled off.

I drove for about 10 minutes swerving and running lights until I fell half asleep, before being awakened by an 18-wheeler's horn and all I saw was lights coming head on....

BOOM! And there was an instant explosion....

Man Man

"Ya cokehead sister just made this shit real easy. The slow hoe gave me her phone she was so high. I don't think she's gonna make it far." I told my homeboy Aaron.

"Bet, I got 3 stacks for you, cause you got the only evidence that could help them out." Aaron said.

In the middle of me replying I heard a boom and saw a cloud of dark smoke miles away.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I said.

"Aye, I think she did more than OD... I think she just blew up. Watch out for news reports. Let me go get rid of her phone. I'll hit you back." I said hanging up the phone.

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