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Ariella's POV:

I was more than happy to answer Raph's questions, because they were really good questions. His anger towards the way herds are, scared me as he began growling, but he quickly, helped me calm down my fears.

I cuddled into his side, as we both remained quiet, for the rest of our walk, of the pasture. Getting back to the gate, I paused, unsure if I was ready to sleep in the house again.

"Will you come inside," Raph asks. I remember the panic I felt as I woke up, but the comfort of the bed encouraged me. "Please," Raph asks.

In all honesty if I was with Raph, I knew that I was safe and could do just about anything. I nod hesitantly, causing him to smile. "Your safe, you know that," he says. I cuddle into him again, "with you, I know I am," I reply.

He hugs me happily, into his side. "I'll always keep you safe, baby," he replies, kissing the top of my head. We walk side by side towards the house.

Raph kept me at his side, so my nerves wouldn't get the best of me, so I wouldn't become scared, as the tingles  helped me stay calm.

Walking inside, I am suddenly, frightened again, as the smell of predators invade my senses. Everything in me wants to run, as far away as possible. "I got you baby," Raph says, "it's ok."

I go against my nature, and start breathing through my mouth, as the scent of the other wolves, is less invasive that way.

Raph leads me upstairs and into his room, where his scent surrounds me, and no other predators smell is. His scent is that of my mate, and nothing else. Telling me that only he comes in the room.

My nerves instantly ease, and I let go of Raph. And look around the room better than I did this morning. The walls are a light blue, like the sky outside. The bedding is a darker shade, almost like a storm brewing color of blue grey.

I walk to the bed and pull the covers back, as Raph walks up behind me. He puts his hands on my waist, and pulls my back against him.

"It's so hard not to take you right now," he whispers in my ear. His words make me quiver in excitement, and my insides tighten in the same way.

I hear him take in my scent, and a low rumble is heard in his chest. He pulls away, before he reacts anymore. "It's so hard to go against my instincts," he says.

I look at him confused. "All I want to do is claim you and make you mine, but I don't want you to be hurt," he says, a look of pain crosses his face.

I look at him, and wonder to myself. Is it worth losing my horse, to be with this male, who I can love and cherish forever? Would I lose my horse? Because I know from his explanation, that it may be possible for me to actually change and be wolf instead.

Deciding to take that chance, I pull my hair away from my neck. "Raph, mark me," I tell him. A look of shock crosses his face, "but Ariella, if I do....," He stops as I kiss him.

"I know, I know what can happen, I can lose my horse, and become one of you, but it's ok," I respond, as I pull away. He looks at me, shock evident on his face, as I realize that it was our first kiss.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me to him, greedily claiming my lips with his. Deepening the kiss, he soon travels kisses down my jaw, and to my neck.

When he reaches the spot he is going to mark, I squirm, as he finds the spot. He smiles against my neck, as I do. I feel his canines extend against my skin.

My instincts to run, never more apparent as they are at this moment. Pushing the feeling of fear away, I await his bite, that'll claim me as his, forever.

I feel his teeth peirce my skin, and I scream as the pain is intense and I can feel the venom from his bite, run through my veins, as he pulls away, and licks my bite closed, sealing his mark and the venom inside.

I collapse into his arms, and he quickly grabs me, and supports my weight. I feel Raph pick me up and lay me down on the bed. "Sleep Ariella,my love," he says, as he joins me in the bed. Pulling me close as he does.

I soon find that sleep quickly comes, as I lay against him. His wolf purring in happiness,as I drift off, into a deep sleep.


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* What do you think will happen, now that Raph has marked Ariella? Will she transition to a wolf, or will she keep her horse?

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