one more

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warnings: mentions of ptsd, past physical and sexual abuse, do not read if you are sensitive to these sorts of things (i'm serious), graphic description of how it affects the character

As if fate had meant to play a cruel trick on you, the white ship docks just three ships away from the Treasure.

You stand at the starboard of the ship, watching the crew of the ship throw out the messenger lines and drop the anchor, fingers fisting so tight around the hull that your knuckles bleed white. It's just a ship, you tell yourself in your mind as you watch the docking process, perhaps with a different crew and a different captain since so many years ago. The seas are treacherous after all.

But something dark swirls in you like a black, seething water. Wooyoung has always acted strong, been a warm comfort for you in times of darkness. You've known that Wooyoung had been sold as a pleasure object as a child, having heard it from Jongho and the man himself, but seeing him like this, knowing the real darkness behind his abuse, it makes you want to destroy.

Bite marks, San had told you. Bruises, scratch marks... as if taking him against his will hadn't been enough? What on earth had they done to him?

You glance back towards the sickbay, rolling your bottom lip between your teeth contemplatively. The desire to see Wooyoung is still a painful ache in your chest, but you push it down; you don't know whether it will affect him adversely. With a heavy exhale, you turn around and step towards the kitchens. Perhaps cooking with Seonghwa will be able to distract you a little from everything going on right now.

By a stroke of luck, you manage to catch both Yeosang and Yunho chatting in the galley of the ship with cups of tea, Seonghwa working on some dried meat at the counter. They greet you when you come in, and you seat yourself next to them, placing your head on your arms.

"You doing okay?" Yunho asks and Yeosang pats your head tentatively as you let out a little groan and reach out a hand. The navigator immediately intertwines his fingers with yours, a sympathetic look on his face. "Not great, huh?"

"We've been hit by nothing but waves of bad luck since I joined this ship." You mumble into your arms, but before you can say anymore Seonghwa sticks a piece of bread into your mouth, a faint smile on his face.

"I won't allow you to say things like that in my kitchen." He scolds gently and you sigh, burying your face deeper into your arms. "You know none of this was your fault."

"It might not be, but it feels like it is." You say haplessly, and Yunho's face falls. He tries to brighten up the mood, however, reassuring you the best he can. "Don't worry too much about it. Mingi went to talk with the harbor officials earlier to see how soon we can leave the town, and San and Captain are with Woo."

"I know, but I want to see him too." You sigh. Yeosang and Yunho exchange quick looks. "I don't think that's the best idea for now, Chin Hae." Yeosang advises you, thumb running over the back of your hand and you swallow, eyes downcast. He was there for your own quarrel with Yeosang, and yet you can't be there for him now. You hate this feeling of helplessness, being unable to do anything.

"Don't feel too bad," Seonghwa says, sitting next to you. "Wooyoung's a strong boy, has always been. He'll get through this."

You don't know what to say, fingers tracing the grain of the wooden table. Luckily for you, you don't have much time to wallow in those terrible feelings because the door to the galley swings open, and you look up to see San at the doorway, mouth twisted into a small frown.

His eyes dart around the galley, searching for something, until they finally land on you. "Ahh, Chin Hae, I was looking for you. Come with me for a second?" There's something about the way he says it that makes you feel uneasy, but you're grateful to have a distraction.

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