(9) 4 - Start a blog, first post

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"Do you have a room with two separate beds?" After driving all day, Brendan and I have finally decided to stop at some hotel and crash for the night.

"Of course, ma'am, if you would just fill this in?" I fill in the form and follow the clerk to the room. The hotel Brendan picked is right next to the highway, made of small cubes stacked together. It looks cheap and it smells a little foul, and I see stains on the smudgy grey stone everywhere, but I don't mind.

Soon, after Brendan and I order pizza, I sit on the small desk, my laptop opened. My hands variate in drawing circles on the desk and hovering above the keyboard, my mind blank.

"How do I start?" I ask Brendan.

"Maybe you should decided on a title for your blog?" he suggests, looking over my shoulder at the blank screen.

"Like what?" I laugh. "'The free year of an average girl who tries to find herself'?"

"It's a start," he grins. "What about 'The adverntures of a girl-next-door'?"

"That sounds ridiculous," I tease.

"I know," he admits. "But you need a name, right?

"Hmm, maybe 'how I live now'?"

"Wow, deep," Bredan says.

"I don't know!" I yell, smiling.

"What about 'Everything'?" I can hear how he pronunces it like the word is written in italics.

"That actually doesn't sound so bad," I have to admit. "I remember telling September that this could be the story of a hero."

"That's genius," Brendan declares.

"It's stupid," I complain.

"Just look if it's free," he suggests. I do as he asks.

"It's free!" I grin, suddenly entusiastic.

"Well, take it before someone else does!" Brendan says with the same enthusiam as me.


"So now what?" I ask, after having done some basic work on my new site.

"Now you write."

I take a deep breath and start on my first post.


My name is Olivia and I'm 19 years old. I have to admit that I have absolutely no idea how to blog, so I'll just give it a shot.

So to introduce you all, I should tell you about my Checklist. I finished highschool a few weeks ago, and with the help of my best friend, September, I made a Checklist of 21 tasks that I have to finish before the start of the next schoolyear. And I am terrified.

It's not like I hate the tasks (not all of them, at least), but I'm afraid that I will not finish them. Or that I will, but that I'll be stuck with my 'planlessness', as September calls it.

Anyways, enough with the heavy stuff. This blog is one of my many tasks, and I will not smear my first encounter with sadness. No, I will make this a happy blog, for this year is going to be a good one.

I can proudly tell you that I have started the first few tasks of my Checklist. I must say, finishing them one by one is harder than I thought. So I have 4 tasks running right now: Write a song, Fall in love, Coast to coast and Start a blog.

1. I can not believe how hard it is to write a song! I always believed that the lyrics will somehow float to you and all there's left to do is fill in the melody. How wrong I have been! I have written nearly nothing in these past few weeks. I can't seem to find the words to describe what I see or feel, everything I write seems broken or bent. It's not that the words make no sense, it's the way they stare me in the face as I try and feel them. It doesn't work. Even though Evan likes it. Which brings me to point 2.

This could be the story of a heroWhere stories live. Discover now