This could be the story of a hero

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This could be the story of a hero. That is, if I were a hero.

Truth is, I'm not. I am no one special. My name is Olivia. I am not very outgoing, nor am I very shy. I am what you could call "part of the crowd". I don't draw attention, negative nor positive, I'm not an A student, and I'm not a D student. I don't skip school and I am late every now and then. My file is nothing special either, I've had to go to detention once ot twice and even those are just minor things. I just finished high school, and my future is a complete blank spot. Since I have no idea what I want to do, or who I want to be, I decided to take a year off. I need to find myself, but I have no clue how.

That is when the Checklist started. Before graduation, September and I had this whole discussion about the future. September is great. She's slightly goofy but not irritatingly so, and she's beautiful. And the best thing about her is that she has her life planned out. Semptember and I have slowly grown to friends over the past five years, and I am a little scared of a life without her. But nothing can remain unchanged, so she and I will have to part ways.

"What will you do though?" September asked me after announcing she got accepted at Harvard. We were sitting at her kitchen table with a bowl of snacks wedged between her accenptance letter and a stack of books.

"I have no idea," I admitted. "I'm thinking of taking a year off and, like, traveling or something?" Semptember lifted her eyebrow at the questionmark at the end of my sentence.

"Travel or something?" she repeated sarcasticly.

"Well, yeah. Move around, see something of the world, I don't know, get a job maybe," I continued.

"A job? Mhmm. Sure," she said.


"You're so, so... planless!" exclaimed she. "Move around, get a job maybe... Liv, what are you actually saying?"

"I have no idea," I said. "I have no idea what I want or where I want to go except for not staying here." September nodded.

"You need a Checklist," she simply said.

"A checklist?"

"No, a Checklist, with a capital C. Liv, you're lost. You need do something. Name one thing you want to do before you die," September instructed me.

"September, this is absolutely pointless!" I said.

"One thing you want to do before you die," she pressed.

"Fine! Eh, I don't know, maybe... write a song?" I suggested. September grabbed a piece of paper and wrote it down.

"More," she demanded.

"Eh... Oh! Maybe get a boyfriend or something," I added. She scribbled it down.


"Get a life," I joked.

"Oh, come on, Liv!" September laughed. "What about... Get published?"

"Sure," I nodded. I had some short stories lying around.

"And you should add 'Visiting your dad'," September said. I swallowed to get rid of the sudden lump that fromed in my throat and nodded.

"Yeah, I should," I said. After half an hour of arguing and joking around, I ended up with a Checklist with a total of 21 tasks.

"And now you have a year to make it happen," September declared.

"A year?" I asked incredulous.

"Yep," she smiled. "You didn't think you'd have all your life, do you? Liv, if you want to make this year a good one, finish the Checklist." She solemnly handed me the piece of paper.

"This could be the story of a hero," I muttered.

"This will be the story of a hero," she said.


Hey there!

So this is a little something I just made up. English is my second language so I'm really sorry for any mistakes I made.

Please tell me if it's worth continuing, because I've got a lot of stuff going on so if no one's interested I probably won't try to finish it.

So, leave a message, get a hug, smile! ;)



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