Chapter 10 - As Happy As Him

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"Min Yoongi, please try not to space out during class."

"O-oh, yes ma'am!"

I got a bit flustered and looked down at my hands that rested on my lap.

I could hear giggles and whispers as the teacher talked.

I truly made a fool of myself..

I tried shaking off my worries and thoughts.

What do these people know about me, anyways?

I have a pretty face, I hang out with the "outcast" of the school, I have a dinky cat lunch box and messenger bag, what else?


Just like Tae, they know nothing about him but they still dislike him.

People are just judgmental here. It's really just..


A lot of the people here are awful.

But I can't change them, I won't try to either.

They can live their life, I'll live mine.

I shook off all my worries and went back to paying attention to the lesson.

I have better things to do then wonder what they think about me.

[30 Minutes Later.]

[Ring, ring, ring.]

I looked up from the piece of paper I was taking notes on and saw almost everyone getting up out of their seats.

Crap.. Did she say there was homework?

I looked around, no one seemed to be grabbing any papers or taking home textbooks, but this class is mostly full of people who seem like they don't care about anything.

"Tae, did she say there was homework?"

"No, just extra credit if you want it. For extra credit, you need to bring home a textbook and then write at least a paragraph on chapter 9 since the end of the unit is going to be soon."

"Oh, I see, thanks Tae!"

I smiled to him and gathered my things, placing them in my messenger bag.

I got up out of my seat and took a textbook, putting it in my bag with all my other items.

"C'mon Tae, let's get going now."

I looked over at him as he walked over to me. We then walked out into the busy and loud hallway.

I held my bag close to me and made sure to keep hold of Tae's hand.

Yeah, we both know where to go, but I'd rather not lose him in this sea of people.

Who knows what he'll get into?

What if someone tries to pick on him and I'm not there to help? What if they intentionally bump into him and try to humiliate him?

Bottom line is, I don't want him to potentially get hurt in any way, shape, or form.

Soon enough, we get to our lockers.

I fumbled around with the lock a bit but soon I get it open and take out my phone and coat.

I shoved my phone into my bag and held my coat, waiting for Tae to finish getting everything out of his locker.

Once I saw that he had everything with him, I took his wrist again and we made our way into the bathroom.

𝓓𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷 𝓪 𝓡𝓸𝓬𝓴【】𝕋𝕒𝕖𝕘𝕚Where stories live. Discover now