Chapter 15 - A Bit Better

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The next few periods went by after that moment.

I don't know who those girls are, but I remember their faces.

I don't like them, I don't think much can change my mind on that.

They hurt one of my friends, I don't care if they don't like him, that's no way to treat a person.

I shook the thoughts out of my head, I shouldn't be focusing on it.

It doesn't matter.

I have better things to put my mind on anyway.



I guess.

[A few hours later.]

Finally, 4th period was over and the bell rung.

It felt like forever honestly, but I'm glad now I can go see Taehyung.

I put all my things away and headed out of the classroom.

Whispers were all around me, probably from what happened earlier today with Sunmi and her "friends."

Ah, speaking of Sunmi, I need to find her!

I walked around the school a bit, trying to find where she should be.

Soon enough, as I walk around the corner, I saw her.

She was talking those girls, her posture looked quite tense and the faces on those girls screamed mischief.

After a bit, I walked up to her.

"Hey, Sunmi, let's go to lunch, yeah?"

"Oh? Oh, right, let's go! I don't want to be talking with these people anymore anyways."

She put more emphasis on "these" and sounded irritated.

I can understand why she does, I would too if I were her.

We went over to the nearest stairwell and headed down, then I showed her the way to where me and Tae usually eat at.

Soon, we got to the stairwell and went inside.

I saw Tae against the wall with his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around them. He had some music playing next to him on his phone with his food beside it.

"Hey, Tae!"

He looked up and looked as if he was sad, then he smiled.

"Oh, hey Yoonie! I thought you weren't coming today.."

"Why wouldn't I? I was just getting my sister, she wanted to hang out with us!"

I saw a bit of horror on his face.

"Calm down, Tae, she's not like her friends."

"Hey, if someone said I was like them, then I feel insulted and offended!"

Sunmi snapped and sounded as sassy as ever.

"Whatever you say, don't think I forgot about what you did to me 10 years ago."

"Oh come on, it was only a prank."

"A prank that traumatized me for the rest of my life!"

"Well I didn't think you were dumb enough to believe me when I told you vampires existed, you idiot!"

As we argued, I heard Tae starting to laugh.

Intern, I started laughing too, and so did Sunmi, and soon we were all just making jokes and laughing like no tomorrow.

"Ah, I like this guy. Taehyung, right? I'll just call you Taetae."

"Oh, alright. I'll call you Sunny then, it's close enough to your name. If you're okay with that, at least."

"Of course! I don't mind at all."


I smiled as they talked and talked.

We all shared laughs and had a whole lot of fun, but sadly, it had to come to an end when the bell rung.

"Aw man.. Well, I guess I'll see you later Yoongs."

"Tae goes in the same direction as us."

"Really? Nice! I'll see you both later then!"

Summi dashed out of the stairwell to her next class, which, I think is on the other side of the school.

Me and Tae got our things together and went out ourselves, heading on to our last period together.

Today at this time was strange. Usually, people would look at them weirdly, but no one dared take even a glance at us now.

Weird but at least Tae will be okay!

The period went by fast, with no rude remarks made by anyone.

By the end of the period, I realize that I've been smiling the whole time.

I'm glad today was a bit better than yesterday!

Well, besides from the whole morning ordeal.

Other than that, nothing too bad happened to us.

Soon, me and Tae were out of the building, waiting for Sunmi to get her things.

"Does she always take this long?"

"Mhm, she overthinks a lot. It doesn't seem like it but she does, she likes to know for a fact that she has everything with her, though when she does forget something, she panics a bit before going to find it."

"Ah, I see."

Soon enough, she walks out of the building towards us with a big smile.

"Hey, let's get going now, yeah?"

I nodded to her and Tae smiled.

We walked on our way home, chatting and laughing.

It felt like lunch again. A comforting atmosphere around us, even if it was a bit cold today.

Soon, we had to go our separate ways from Tae since our street was closer to the school.

"Today was a bit better than yesterday!"


"Mhm. Besides from this morning, not as many people gave me and Tae strange looks or threw ruse remarks at us."

"Oh, well good! If anyone does, tell them Min Sunmi is your sister!"

"Ah, do people fear you now?"

"You bet!"

"Please tell me you didn't do anything bad when I left this morning."

"I only taught those girls a lesson, nothing major."

"Mhm... Nothing major you say."

"I swear, only a few slaps and maybe almost a broken wrist."


"Hey, it could've been worse!"

"But that's no excuse to hurt others!"

"I was only giving them a taste of their own medicine."

I sighed loudly.

"Fine, but don't ever. E. V. E . R. Do that again."

"Alright, I won't."

I slightly smiled as we got home.

An eventful day, to say the least.

𝓓𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷 𝓪 𝓡𝓸𝓬𝓴【】𝕋𝕒𝕖𝕘𝕚Where stories live. Discover now