Ask or Spill

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The Dare: spill the beans on who my crush was and ask them out or... this...list my turn-ons/offs

*now listen, Wattpad is my happy/safe space so no judgy judgy. i've also been petty adamant with them that I don't have a crush rn so this was really my only choice. if i told them, they'd hound me for weeks until i either told them i wasn't crushing on that person anymore, or i asked them out and that may never happen. unless stated specifically, these apply to females as well as those of the male species. so... here goes nothing*


~ curly-haired red-heads (it's not a a must but...)

~ if you can dance (mostly guys)

~ eye color

~ height (i refuse to date any male shorter that me)

~ humor

~ self-control (know when it's time to stop)

~ confidence (be bold, babe)

*ok that's it. i'm done, no more. cool great. ok, imma go now... right*

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