The Ending No One Saw Coming

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"Are you fucking kidding me right now?!" Axl said raising his voice. I knew this is what would happen and now I had no clue what to do. I wasn't ready to talk about this, but they I didn't want to keep them waiting. My head dropped into my hands and I pressed my fingers into my temples in frustration "This is why I didn't want to deal with this. Because I knew you would flip the fuck out." I said to Axl in a calm, yet aggravated voice. "This is bullshit, how can you not love me?!" Axl came forward and asked me. I looked at him and tilted my head to give him the fed up look and teenager gave their parents. "Have you ever considered that it is because you act like this?!" I said pointing at him.

"What the fuck am I acting like?" He asked me confused, and I looked at him and so did the others. "Dude you're acting like a cocky asshole." Duff said to him, and Axl turned to him and went to attack him. "Stop Axl." I said and he stopped. "You never loved me. You had lust towards me, but nothing more than that." I said to him stating the truth. He looked at and then he looked down, there was an awkward silence, until he looked at me again. He turned around and headed for the door leaving the house. I wanted to call out for him to come back, but for some reason my heart didn't want me to so I stayed silent. My eyes were stinging, but I fought back the tears.'

"Roxy." Slash said softly to me and he moved towards me, but I held up my hand to stop him. "I can't do this. Not tonight. I think you should go." I said to them as I walked away to the stairs. I headed up them and went into my room. After a few minutes I heard the doorbell, then I opened my door to go downstairs to eat. I got to the top of the stairs, and Sebastian stood there "Oh, I was just going to come get you. Pizza's here." He said with a slight smile. "Are they still here?" I asked him and he shook his head no. "I escorted them out." He said to me. I headed down the stairs and followed him into the kitchen where I smelled the pizza.

I wasn't in the mood to eat, but it did smell good. Sebastian grabbed plates for us and I opened the beers. I grabbed two slices and grabbed my beer heading over to the dinner table. I sat down and I sighed "I'm sorry I brought you into this." I said to him before I took a bite of my pizza. "I preferred to be there because I wasn't sure how Axl was going to react." He said before he took a drink of his beer.  "I guess tomorrow I should go over there and talk to them about this situation. Put it all to rest." I said with a sigh as I stared down at my plate. "I think if I were them I would want to know so going over there to tell them is a good idea." He said to me, and I looked up at him. "I never wanted to hurt them, but I guess I have to." I said to him feeling my heart hurt.

He looked t me and set down his beer "You can't help who you love and who you don't love. If you love them, but not in the way of spending the rest of your life with them then they should know. Is your love more like a close friend than a lover?" He asked me and I nodded "I don't see myself spending the rest of my life with any of them." I said to him, and he nodded. "Then they deserve to know that so they can move forward and find their true significant others." he said to me, and I knew he was right. "Okay I'll go over there tomorrow and have a talk with them." I said lifting up the slice of pizza to take a bite. We spent the rest of dinner in silence, and I started to clean up when I heard Maria come in through the garage door. She came into the kitchen, I was standing by the sink doing dishes and I turned to greet her. "Hello Rox." She said with a smile and I smiled back "Hi, we left you some pizza if you were hungry." I said to her and she walked over to the box of pizza.

"Thanks I'm starving." She said as she took a slice out and taking a bite. "Where Sebastian?" She asked me and I finished up the dishes turning off the water then drying my hands. "He went to shower he will be down soon." I said to her as I leaned against the counter. "I think I am going to go to bed, I've had an exhausting day." Maria said as she said her goodnights and headed upstairs. I finished cleaning up and I decided to go up to my room to watch some tv before going to sleep, but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep that night since I had to go break the news to the guys. I shut off the lights and headed up the stairs, I heard talking coming from their bedroom, but I turned the other way heading towards my room.

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