(p.s~ the tray in this story is NOT roc royal! i repeat its NOT roc royal. first, his name is cressanto and second IF his name WAS trey, id spell it trey)
~next day~ (still dymonds p.o.v- 10:00 p)
i sat on my bed, my best friend mava against the wall.
mava: so what is he?
you: he-- he must be a--
mava: IS HE A CEREAL KILLER!? mmm. i gotta put my apple jacks in a safe lock...
you: no mava, friend. i dont think he wants YOUR fruit loops.
mava: phew, wait.... so its THAT kind of party.... oh, ok.
you: things just got crazy there. besides, it dosnt matter what he is. all i know is that he killed tray an-
mava:( puts her hand on my shoulder) get some rest boo.
you: thanks
then she left the room. but i screamed at her
mava: NO!.... AT YOUR HOUSE
you: (playfully) GO HOME!!
mava: b*tch please!
then i climbed in bed.
mava: OH YEAH... AND IM SPENDIN THE NIGHT... just thought you should know.
you: -_- ( SIGHS) OK MAVA!
I cut off the lights and just stare up at the blank wall. letting my lids decide when to close.
(dymonds dream)
you: WHERE AM I!?!? tray!?!?
tray: im right here baby!
you: WHERE!?!
tray: calm down. just follow my voice.
we were in a Forrest, or a jungle with a bunch of thorns and trees.
you: say stuff! make me hear you
just then he started singing one of our favorite songs, a beautiful melody. i was so egar to get to his beautiful voice. i just ran in his direction, shielding my face with my arms, letting the thorns and poking branches tear my flesh to bone.
you: tray? why are you so far!?
tray: (keeps singin)
you: tray? traay!! ( runs; does an air jump into his arms)
he swings me around.
tray: i always knew youd'e come to me.( strokes my hair)
i kiss his lips, but then i open my eyes. i aggressively push away.
you: what!? (backs up) wh- why do you have tray's voice!? WHO THE HECK ARE YOU!? WHAT IS THIS!?
fake tray: think about it
(end of dream)
you: MAVA!?!?
??: shh shh, its not mava, its me.
you: (alarmed) howd'e you get here? in my house? get outta here you creep!
??: u busted into my house, and you have the nerve...
you:... what do you want?
??: i'v gotta tell you something about tray?
you: ...what? do you even know him?
(REALLY the end of the dream)
i sat up and something cold fell on my lap. i rubbed my eyes.
you:mava? is it really you.
mava: are you alright!!! you looked like you was having a Cesare. i got worried and put this ice pack on ur head. were you having one of those dreams you keep talking about? your visions?
i reach out and touch her face.
you: are you really there.
mava: -_- ma'am, ma'am.... thats my eye ball... dy- dymond, thats my ear, thats my nostril.. DYMOND YOU ARE NOT DREAMING!!!I IM REALLY HERE.
you: are you sure?
mava:( under her breathe) you really need to go see the mentalist.
you: yeah this isn't a dream. but yeah, i think i had a really bad dream about tray... it was tragic. i thought that guy who killed tray was tray cuz it was trays voice but the other guys body and just blahhhh!!!! i need to see dr. phill...... or a regular doctor.
(doctors office)
doc: its just a bad dream.
mava: she says it was nothing like a bad dream. it was like a vision she says.
doc: probably just really strong de ja vu.
mava: ok thanks doc!!!

i hate that i love you so ( mindless behavior story)- (finished... maybe)
Fanfictionwhat would you do if the guy who killed your boyfriend in the middle of the proposal was the most sexiest, and charming person in the world?