chapter 2

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~ next day

           12:00 pm~

  my hair was back in a high bun and i was wearing all black. iwas gonna go teach that guy a lesson. i was ready. i threw on a winter coat and grabbed the piece of paper. then i was gone.

( 15 minutes later)

 i looked up at the number on the side of the door then down on the piece of paper in my hands.

you: (quietly) yep. this is the right address. then i knocked on the door, just once, and the door creaked open. i saw this guy sittin on his couch, earplugs in his ear, listenin to... nikki manaj. he must've had the volume on high. he didnt seem to notice me. he looked like the right guy. so i pulled out the paper and walked up to him.

you: i'm sorry but i think you dropped something. the earplugs flew out of his ears an he looked up at me, alarmed. the look on his face said it all. before he had time answer my question, i clicked a cold, metal, gun to his fore head. only he just smiled and chuckled. i spoke with a calm voice.

 you:... why? why would you kill him. what did h do to you?

??: you mean what did i do to protect you? 

he stood up and moved towards me, arms crossed. the gun trembled in my hand.

you: (backing up) w- wat do you mean, protect me? tray would never do anything to harm me.

he kept moving closer to me.

??: well, aren't you hurt?

  my voice loudened. wats with all these stupid questions!?

you: of course im hurt! you killed my boyfrien- why would i even BE here!? (backs up more)

??: do you even know what he- -

you: who are you? are you some type of stalker or somthin? how are you asking me all thes- -..

  i paused. the way he looked at me said something. then i knew. i tiled my head at him. this was all a set up.

you: (squints eyes) what do you want from me?

i gripped the gun in my hand.

??: why are you so scared?

you: because you- your a killer.

he was about to take a step towards me, but this time i put the gun to MY head.

you: i would kill my self before i let anyone like you place your hands on my.

 but he didnt listen to me. he just smiled and kept striding towards me. i took a step back shaking all over. was i really gonna kill myself if he touched me? i t was like my self-conscious was keeping a secret from me. i didnt know what the freak i was gonna do. every time i took a step back he took a step forward. my eyes glanced behind me and i saw. a wooden figure. it was probably a i moved backwards, again my back bent against the table, bending further with every step he took. then he took a gigantic step and our bodies toughed. by this time my nose was red and my eyes were watering. he put his arm around my back and swiftly took my hair out of the pony tail, making me shiver. my hair fell down mid- back. i didnt say anything, like my lips were sewed together. he gently took the gun outta my hand when i wasnt paying attention to it.

??: dont want you to hurt yourself with that. (throws it behind him with out looking)

  his eyes had evil in them, but were almost as beautiful at trays. his hair was about as long as mine and braided. he also had a smooth caramel skin tone. wat was he doing to make me fell like this? it was a trick. just as he lowered his hands to my waiste, i pushed him off and headed towards the door.

you: i dont know what that was right there, but what ever it was, it wont work.

  and with that, i left.

i hate that i love you so ( mindless behavior story)- (finished... maybe)Where stories live. Discover now