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We were so focused on finding out if Path had any files about me that we forgot to mention to him about why we were doing all this.

"Path im also trying to find your creator"I voiced at the MRVN that stared at me with his big eye.

"Why?"he simply asked;a question mark on his screen.

"He's my father"My response to his question brought a moment of silence before an exclamation mark replaced the the curvy one.

"That means im very close to my goal!"The robot exclaimed happily.
Finding my father seemed very important to him,seeing how excited he was made me feel happy too.Even though he wasn't human and he didn't actually convey real emotions it was still heart-warming.
Just then Mirage walked back to us,holding his phone in his hand with a big smile.

"She will be here in ten"He nodded to himself and so did I -anxious about the new people I've been meeting lately.
Being social was not really my thing but neither was opening up to people but here we are...sitting in a bar and solving my issues.

"All three of us must be enough for this job" Elliott sighed loudly-visibly troubled by it too.Pathfinder on the other hand was more expressionless than ever before,making me concerned about him but Mirage was quick to reassure me that it's nothing.

"He's counting down to Wattsons arrival"he said in a chuckle that kind of echoed in the room full of people.

I took advantage of the warm ambiance in the bar and observed the whole place yet again-I found myself doing it a lot of times when I sat here.It was very well decorated and it was obvious that Elliott took good care of this place.Wood dominated the whole interior which was giving off the warmth in the spacious room-some dark glass details that resembled whiskey bottles and finally the big yellow lamps that hanged from the ceiling illuminating the whole room with a rather low light, making you feel slightly drunk even if you didn't drink a drop of alcohol.

"Ten minutes and 47 seconds"Pathfinders voice brought me back from my dream state as I blinked sometimes before turning to look at them.

"You are very literal Path"Elliott commented with a short shake of his head while the door suddenly opened and a blonde woman that i suppose was Wattson walked in,

"That's her!"Pathfinder made it clear that the woman was in fact their friend Wattson.
As soon as she saw us her faint smile grew bigger and her blue eyes gleamed from the little light that was entrapped in them.
It was impossible to not smile back at her friendly and pure aura that just lit up the whole room.

"Bonjour mes amis"She greeted in French sweetly,

"Hello!"The robot greeted back and raised his hand for a high five that Wattson returned immediately,chuckling bubbly.

"Thanks for coming,this is Sapper;the one I told you about"Elliott said and gave me the chance to introduce myself

"Just call me (Y/N)"I smiled-trying to sound as intimate as I could.With the corner of my eye I could see Elliott glaring at me with an offended look

"Really?"he asked but I ignored him,just letting a chuckle reply to his question

"It's such a pleasure meeting you,my name is Natalie"She reached out her hand for a hand shake that I gladly moved to shake back when a small wave of shock passed through my body.

"Oh mon dieu!I apologize"her hand flinched back and buried inside her other gloved one full of shame.

"It's fine,I needed that"I joked light-hearted trying to make her feel better which worked when I saw her small smile come back.

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